[Python-checkins] python/nondist/sandbox/setuptools setuptools.txt, 1.37, 1.38

pje@users.sourceforge.net pje at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Sep 24 21:44:30 CEST 2005

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/setuptools
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv22287

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Fix a bug parsing #egg links reported by Ben Bangert on the distutils-sig.

Index: setuptools.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/setuptools/setuptools.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.37
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -d -r1.37 -r1.38
--- setuptools.txt	18 Sep 2005 04:02:38 -0000	1.37
+++ setuptools.txt	24 Sep 2005 19:44:27 -0000	1.38
@@ -1066,8 +1066,11 @@
 source distribution, or to HTML page(s) that have direct links to such, then
 EasyInstall will be able to locate downloads automatically.  If you want to
 make Subversion checkouts available, then you should create links with either
-``#egg=project`` or ``#egg=project-version`` added to the URL (replacing
-``project`` and ``version`` with appropriate values).
+``#egg=project`` or ``#egg=project-version`` added to the URL.  You should
+replace ``project`` and ``version`` with the values they would have in an egg
+filename.  (Be sure to actually generate an egg and then use the initial part
+of the filename, rather than trying to guess what the escaped form of the
+project name and version number will be.)
 Note that Subversion checkout links are of lower precedence than other kinds
 of distributions, so EasyInstall will not select a Subversion checkout for

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