[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Doc/lib libstdtypes.tex, 1.172, 1.173

rhettinger at users.sourceforge.net rhettinger at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jan 25 11:21:22 CET 2005

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Doc/lib
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv1608

Modified Files:
Log Message:
SF bug #1105286:  Undocumented implicit strip() in split(None) string method

Clarify the behavior when a string begins or ends with whitespace.

Index: libstdtypes.tex
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Doc/lib/libstdtypes.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.172
retrieving revision 1.173
diff -u -d -r1.172 -r1.173
--- libstdtypes.tex	1 Jan 2005 00:28:43 -0000	1.172
+++ libstdtypes.tex	25 Jan 2005 10:21:19 -0000	1.173
@@ -738,7 +738,9 @@
 Return a list of the words in the string, using \var{sep} as the
 delimiter string.  If \var{maxsplit} is given, at most \var{maxsplit}
 splits are done, the \emph{rightmost} ones.  If \var{sep} is not specified
-or \code{None}, any whitespace string is a separator.
+or \code{None}, any whitespace string is a separator.  Except for splitting
+from the right, \method{rsplit()} behaves like \method{split()} which
+is described in detail below.
@@ -765,11 +767,13 @@
 separator returns an empty list.
 If \var{sep} is not specified or is \code{None}, a different splitting
-algorithm is applied.  Words are separated by arbitrary length strings of
-whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines, returns, and formfeeds).
-Consecutive whitespace delimiters are treated as a single delimiter
-(\samp{'1   2  3'.split()} returns \samp{['1', '2', '3']}).  Splitting an
-empty string returns \samp{['']}.
+algorithm is applied.  First, whitespace characters (spaces, tabs,
+newlines, returns, and formfeeds) are stripped from both ends.  Then,
+words are separated by arbitrary length strings of whitespace
+characters. Consecutive whitespace delimiters are treated as a single
+delimiter (\samp{'1  2  3'.split()} returns \samp{['1', '2', '3']}).
+Splitting an empty string or a string consisting of just whitespace
+will return \samp{['']}.

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