[Python-checkins] python/nondist/sandbox/decimal Decimal.py, 1.25, 1.26 test_Decimal.py, 1.20, 1.21

rhettinger at users.sourceforge.net rhettinger at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jun 29 16:49:53 EDT 2004

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/decimal
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14187

Modified Files:
	Decimal.py test_Decimal.py 
Log Message:
* Remove from_float() from the API
* copy and deepcopy produce new instances for subclasses
* use assertRaises instead of try/except in tests

Index: Decimal.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/decimal/Decimal.py,v
retrieving revision 1.25
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -C2 -d -r1.25 -r1.26
*** Decimal.py	29 Jun 2004 10:08:35 -0000	1.25
--- Decimal.py	29 Jun 2004 20:49:50 -0000	1.26
*** 394,399 ****
          Decimal instance
          long, int
-         To construct from float, use Decimal.from_float(float_value)
          if context is None:
--- 394,397 ----
*** 472,509 ****
-         if isinstance(value, float):
-             raise TypeError("Can't convert " + repr(value) +
-                             ".  Try Decimal.from_float() instead.")
          raise TypeError("Can't convert %r" % value)
-     def from_float(cls, value, positions=None):
-         """Class method that creates Decimal from float
-         value must be float
-         if positions is present, rounds to that quantity of decimal places
-         """
-         if not isinstance(value, float):
-             raise TypeError, "value must be float in Decimal.from_float(value, [positions])"
-         # get the *very* exact string representation of the float
-         string_number = _floatToString(value)
-         d = cls(string_number)
-         # round up to positions
-         if positions is not None:
-             if not isinstance(positions, (int,long)):
-                 raise TypeError, "positions must be int or long in Decimal.from_float(value, [positions])"
-             if positions < 0:
-                 raise TypeError, "positions must be not negative in Decimal.from_float(value, [positions])"
-             # we must know what precision to pass to round
-             int_positions = len(d._int) + d._exp
-             real_decimal_positions = positions + int_positions
-             d = d._round(real_decimal_positions, ROUND_HALF_UP)
-         return d
-     from_float = classmethod(from_float)
      def _convert_other(self, other):
          """Convert other to Decimal.
--- 470,475 ----
*** 2096,2103 ****
      def __copy__(self):
!         return self     # I'm immutable; therefore I am my own clone
      def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
!         return self     # My components are also immutable
--- 2062,2073 ----
      def __copy__(self):
!         if type(self) == Decimal:
!             return self     # I'm immutable; therefore I am my own clone
!         return self.__class__(str(self))
      def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
!         if type(self) == Decimal:
!             return self     # My components are also immutable
!         return self.__class__(str(self))
*** 2240,2247 ****
      def create_decimal(self, num):
          """Creates a new Decimal instance but using self as context."""
!         if isinstance(num, float):
!             d = Decimal.from_float(num)
!         else:
!             d = Decimal(num, context=self)
          return d._fix(context=self)
--- 2210,2214 ----
      def create_decimal(self, num):
          """Creates a new Decimal instance but using self as context."""
!         d = Decimal(num, context=self)
          return d._fix(context=self)

Index: test_Decimal.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/decimal/test_Decimal.py,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -C2 -d -r1.20 -r1.21
*** test_Decimal.py	29 Jun 2004 10:08:35 -0000	1.20
--- test_Decimal.py	29 Jun 2004 20:49:51 -0000	1.21
*** 516,559 ****
          self.assertEqual(str(d), '4.5E+3')
          #just not a number
          d = Decimal('ugly')
          self.assertEqual(str(d), 'NaN')
-     def test_from_float(self):
-         '''Explicit construction with float.'''
-         #positive integer
-         d = Decimal.from_float(45.0)
-         self.assertEqual(str(d), '45')
-         #negative integer
-         d = Decimal.from_float(-32.0)
-         self.assertEqual(str(d), '-32')
-         #zero
-         d = Decimal.from_float(0.0)
-         self.assertEqual(str(d), '0')
-         #empty
-         self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal.from_float)
-         #with a string
-         self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal.from_float, '')
-         #with an int
-         self.assertRaises(TypeError, Decimal.from_float, 5)
-         #inexact float, without positions
-         d = Decimal.from_float(2.2)
-         self.assertEqual(str(d), '2.20000000000000017763568394002504646778106689453125')
-         #inexact float, rounded to some positions
-         d = Decimal.from_float(2.2, 16)
-         self.assertEqual(str(d), '2.2000000000000002')
-         #inexact float, rounded to less positions
-         d = Decimal.from_float(2.2, 5)
-         self.assertEqual(str(d), '2.20000')
      def test_from_tuples(self):
          '''Explicit construction with tuples.'''
--- 516,524 ----
          self.assertEqual(str(d), '4.5E+3')
+         # XXX this should raise a ValueError for an invalid literal
          #just not a number
          d = Decimal('ugly')
          self.assertEqual(str(d), 'NaN')
      def test_from_tuples(self):
          '''Explicit construction with tuples.'''
*** 637,646 ****
          self.assertEqual(str(d), '4.57E+5')
-         # from float
-         d = Decimal.from_float(1.1)
-         self.assertEqual(str(d), '1.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625')
-         d = nc.create_decimal(1.1)
-         self.assertEqual(str(d), '1.10')
          # from tuples
          d = Decimal( (1, (4, 3, 4, 9, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4), -25) )
--- 602,605 ----
*** 663,722 ****
          '''Implicit construction with None.'''
!         d = Decimal(5)
!         try:
!             d + None
!         except TypeError:
!             pass
!         else:
!             self.fail('Did not raised an error!')
      def test_from_int(self):
          '''Implicit construction with int or long.'''
-         d = Decimal(5)
!         e = d + 45
!         self.assertEqual(str(e), '50')
          #exceeding precision
!         try:
!             d + 123456789000
!         except ValueError:
!             pass
!         else:
!             self.fail('Did not raised an error!')
      def test_from_string(self):
          '''Implicit construction with string.'''
-         d = Decimal(5)
          #just any string
!         try:
!             d + '3'
!         except TypeError:
!             pass
!         else:
!             self.fail('Did not raised an error!')
      def test_from_float(self):
          '''Implicit construction with float.'''
-         d = Decimal(5)
          #just any float
!         try:
!             d + 2.2
!         except TypeError:
!             pass
!         else:
!             self.fail('Did not raised an error!')
      def test_from_Decimal(self):
          '''Implicit construction with Decimal.'''
!         d = Decimal(5)
!         #any Decimal
!         e = d + Decimal(45)
!         self.assertEqual(str(e), '50')
--- 622,652 ----
          '''Implicit construction with None.'''
!         self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval, 'Decimal(5) + None', globals())
      def test_from_int(self):
          '''Implicit construction with int or long.'''
!         self.assertEqual(str(Decimal(5) + 45), '50')
          #exceeding precision
!         self.assertRaises(ValueError, eval, 'Decimal(5) + 123456789000', globals())
      def test_from_string(self):
          '''Implicit construction with string.'''
          #just any string
!         self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval, 'Decimal(5) + "3"', globals())
      def test_from_float(self):
          '''Implicit construction with float.'''
          #just any float
!         self.assertRaises(TypeError, eval, 'Decimal(5) + 2.2', globals())
      def test_from_Decimal(self):
          '''Implicit construction with Decimal.'''
!         self.assertEqual(Decimal(5) + Decimal(45), Decimal(50))
*** 1281,1288 ****
      test_classes = []
!     if which == "Arithmetic" or which is None:
!     if which == "Behaviour" or which is None:
--- 1211,1218 ----
      test_classes = []
!     if which is None or which.lower().startswith("arith"):
!     if which is None or which.lower().startswith("behav"):

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