[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib/test test_optparse.py, 1.3, 1.4

gward at users.sourceforge.net gward at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Jul 31 18:15:47 CEST 2004

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14464/Lib/test

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Upgrade optparse module and tests to Optik 1.5a1:
  * add expansion of default values in help text: the string
    "%default" in an option's help string is expanded to str() of
    that option's default value, or "none" if no default value.
  * bug #955889: option default values that happen to be strings are
    now processed in the same way as values from the command line; this
    allows generation of nicer help when using custom types.  Can
    be disabled with parser.set_process_default_values(False).
  * bug #960515: don't crash when generating help for callback
    options that specify 'type', but not 'dest' or 'metavar'.
  * feature #815264: change the default help format for short options
    that take an argument from e.g. "-oARG" to "-o ARG"; add
    set_short_opt_delimiter() and set_long_opt_delimiter() methods to
    HelpFormatter to allow (slight) customization of the formatting.
  * patch #736940: internationalize Optik: all built-in user-
    targeted literal strings are passed through gettext.gettext().  (If
    you want translations (.po files), they're not included with Python
    -- you'll find them in the Optik source distribution from
    http://optik.sourceforge.net/ .)
  * bug #878453: respect $COLUMNS environment variable for
    wrapping help output.
  * feature #988122: expand "%prog" in the 'description' passed
    to OptionParser, just like in the 'usage' and 'version' strings.
    (This is *not* done in the 'description' passed to OptionGroup.)

Index: test_optparse.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/test_optparse.py,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** test_optparse.py	1 Apr 2004 07:40:35 -0000	1.3
--- test_optparse.py	31 Jul 2004 16:15:44 -0000	1.4
*** 21,32 ****
       TitledHelpFormatter, OptionParser, OptionContainer, OptionGroup, \
       SUPPRESS_HELP, SUPPRESS_USAGE, OptionError, OptionConflictError, \
!      BadOptionError, OptionValueError
! from optparse import _match_abbrev
! # Do the right thing with boolean values for all known Python versions.
! try:
!     True, False
! except NameError:
!     (True, False) = (1, 0)
  class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
--- 21,25 ----
       TitledHelpFormatter, OptionParser, OptionContainer, OptionGroup, \
       SUPPRESS_HELP, SUPPRESS_USAGE, OptionError, OptionConflictError, \
!      BadOptionError, OptionValueError, _match_abbrev
  class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
*** 61,108 ****
          return (options, positional_args)
!     def assertRaises(self, func, expected_exception, expected_output,
!                      get_output=None,
!                      funcargs=[], funckwargs={}):
          """Assert the expected exception is raised when calling a function.
          Also check whether the right error message is given for a given error.
!         Keyword arguments:
!         func -- The function to be called.
!         expected_exception -- The exception that should be raised.
!         expected_output -- The output we expect to see.
!         get_output -- The function to call to get the output.
!         funcargs -- The arguments `func` should be called with.
!         funckwargs -- The keyword arguments `func` should be called with.
          Returns the exception raised for further testing.
          if get_output is None:
              get_output = self.exception
!             out = func(*funcargs, **funckwargs)
          except expected_exception, err:
!             output = get_output(err)
!             self.failUnless(output.find(expected_output) != -1,
!                             """
! Message was:
! %(output)s
! Should contain:
! %(expected_output)s
! Function called:
! %(func)s
! With args/kwargs:
! %(funcargs)s/%(funckwargs)s""" % locals())
              return err
!             self.fail("""
! No %(expected_exception)s raised.
! Function called:
! %(func)s
! With args/kwargs:
! %(funcargs)s/%(funckwargs)s""" % locals ())
      # -- Functions to be used as the get_output argument to assertRaises ------
--- 54,113 ----
          return (options, positional_args)
!     def assertRaises(self,
!                      func,
!                      args,
!                      kwargs,
!                      expected_exception,
!                      expected_output,
!                      get_output=None, 
!                      exact_match=False):
          """Assert the expected exception is raised when calling a function.
          Also check whether the right error message is given for a given error.
!         Arguments:
!           func -- the function to call
!           args -- positional arguments to `func`
!           kwargs -- keyword arguments to `func`
!           expected_exception -- exception that should be raised
!           expected_output -- output we expect to see
!           get_output -- function to call to get the output
!           exact_match -- whether output must exactly match expected output,
!             or merely contain it
          Returns the exception raised for further testing.
+         if args is None:
+             args = ()
+         if kwargs is None:
+             kwargs = {}
          if get_output is None:
              get_output = self.exception
!             out = func(*args, **kwargs)
          except expected_exception, err:
!             actual_output = get_output(err)
!             if exact_match:
!                 match = actual_output == expected_exception
!             else:
!                 match = actual_output.find(expected_output) != -1
!             self.assert_(match,
!                          """mismatched output
! expected output:
! '''%(expected_output)s'''
! actual output:
! '''%(actual_output)s'''
! """ % locals())
              return err
!             self.fail("""expected exception %(expected_exception)s not raised
! called %(func)r
! with args %(args)r
! and kwargs %(kwargs)r
! """ % locals ())
      # -- Functions to be used as the get_output argument to assertRaises ------
*** 114,134 ****
          return sys.stdout.getvalue()
      # -- Assertions used in more than one class --------------------
      def assertParseFail(self, cmdline_args, expected_output):
          """Assert the parser fails with the expected message."""
!         self.assertRaises(self.parser.parse_args, SystemExit, expected_output,
!                           funcargs=[cmdline_args])
      def assertStdoutEquals(self, cmdline_args, expected_output):
          """Assert the parser prints the expected output on stdout."""
          sys.stdout = StringIO()
!         self.assertRaises(self.parser.parse_args, SystemExit, expected_output,
!                           self.redirected_stdout, [cmdline_args])
          sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
      def assertTypeError(self, func, expected_output, *args):
          """Assert a TypeError is raised when executing func."""
!         self.assertRaises(func, TypeError, expected_output, funcargs=args)
  # -- Test make_option() aka Option -------------------------------------
--- 119,154 ----
          return sys.stdout.getvalue()
+     def redirected_stderr(self, err):
+         return sys.stderr.getvalue()
      # -- Assertions used in more than one class --------------------
      def assertParseFail(self, cmdline_args, expected_output):
          """Assert the parser fails with the expected message."""
!         sys.stderr = StringIO()
!         self.assertRaises(self.parser.parse_args, (cmdline_args,), None,
!                           SystemExit, expected_output,
!                           self.redirected_stderr)
!         sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
      def assertStdoutEquals(self, cmdline_args, expected_output):
          """Assert the parser prints the expected output on stdout."""
          sys.stdout = StringIO()
!         self.assertRaises(self.parser.parse_args, (cmdline_args,), None,
!                           SystemExit, expected_output,
!                           self.redirected_stdout)
          sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
      def assertTypeError(self, func, expected_output, *args):
          """Assert a TypeError is raised when executing func."""
!         self.assertRaises(func, args, None, TypeError, expected_output)
!     def assertHelp(self, parser, expected_help):
!         actual_help = parser.format_help()
!         if actual_help != expected_help:
!             raise self.failureException(
!                 'help text failure; expected:\n"' +
!                 expected_help + '"; got:\n"' +
!                 actual_help + '"\n')
  # -- Test make_option() aka Option -------------------------------------
*** 143,148 ****
      def assertOptionError(self, expected_output, args=[], kwargs={}):
!         self.assertRaises(make_option, OptionError, expected_output,
!                           funcargs=args, funckwargs=kwargs)
      def test_opt_string_empty(self):
--- 163,168 ----
      def assertOptionError(self, expected_output, args=[], kwargs={}):
!         self.assertRaises(make_option, args, kwargs,
!                           OptionError, expected_output)
      def test_opt_string_empty(self):
*** 176,179 ****
--- 196,201 ----
          self.assertOptionError("invalid option type: 'foo'",
                                 ["-b"], {'type': 'foo'})
+         self.assertOptionError("invalid option type: 'tuple'",
+                                ["-b"], {'type': tuple})
      def test_no_type_for_action(self):
*** 305,310 ****
      def test_remove_nonexistent(self):
!         self.assertRaises(self.parser.remove_option, ValueError,
!                           "no such option 'foo'", funcargs=['foo'])
  # -- Test parser.parse_args() ------------------------------------------
--- 327,528 ----
      def test_remove_nonexistent(self):
!         self.assertRaises(self.parser.remove_option, ('foo',), None,
!                           ValueError, "no such option 'foo'")
! class TestTypeAliases(BaseTest):
!     def setUp(self):
!         self.parser = OptionParser()
!     def test_type_aliases(self):
!         self.parser.add_option("-x", type=int)
!         self.parser.add_option("-s", type=str)
!         self.parser.add_option("-t", type="str")
!         self.assertEquals(self.parser.get_option("-x").type, "int")
!         self.assertEquals(self.parser.get_option("-s").type, "string")
!         self.assertEquals(self.parser.get_option("-t").type, "string")
! # Custom type for testing processing of default values.
! _time_units = { 's' : 1, 'm' : 60, 'h' : 60*60, 'd' : 60*60*24 }
! def _check_duration(option, opt, value):
!     try:
!         if value[-1].isdigit():
!             return int(value)
!         else:
!             return int(value[:-1]) * _time_units[value[-1]]
!     except ValueError, IndexError:
!         raise OptionValueError(
!             'option %s: invalid duration: %r' % (opt, value))
! class DurationOption(Option):
!     TYPES = Option.TYPES + ('duration',)
!     TYPE_CHECKER = copy.copy(Option.TYPE_CHECKER)
!     TYPE_CHECKER['duration'] = _check_duration
! class TestDefaultValues(BaseTest):
!     def setUp(self):
!         self.parser = OptionParser()
!         self.parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", default=True)
!         self.parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest='verbose')
!         self.parser.add_option("-n", type="int", default=37)
!         self.parser.add_option("-m", type="int")
!         self.parser.add_option("-s", default="foo")
!         self.parser.add_option("-t")
!         self.parser.add_option("-u", default=None)
!         self.expected = { 'verbose': True,
!                           'n': 37,
!                           'm': None,
!                           's': "foo",
!                           't': None,
!                           'u': None }
!     def test_basic_defaults(self):
!         self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected)
!     def test_mixed_defaults_post(self):
!         self.parser.set_defaults(n=42, m=-100)
!         self.expected.update({'n': 42, 'm': -100})
!         self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected)
!     def test_mixed_defaults_pre(self):
!         self.parser.set_defaults(x="barf", y="blah")
!         self.parser.add_option("-x", default="frob")
!         self.parser.add_option("-y")
!         self.expected.update({'x': "frob", 'y': "blah"})
!         self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected)
!         self.parser.remove_option("-y")
!         self.parser.add_option("-y", default=None)
!         self.expected.update({'y': None})
!         self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected)
!     def test_process_default(self):
!         self.parser.option_class = DurationOption
!         self.parser.add_option("-d", type="duration", default=300)
!         self.parser.add_option("-e", type="duration", default="6m")
!         self.parser.set_defaults(n="42")
!         self.expected.update({'d': 300, 'e': 360, 'n': 42})
!         self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected)
!         self.parser.set_process_default_values(False)
!         self.expected.update({'d': 300, 'e': "6m", 'n': "42"})
!         self.assertEqual(self.parser.get_default_values(), self.expected)
! class TestProgName(BaseTest):
!     """
!     Test that %prog expands to the right thing in usage, version,
!     and help strings.
!     """
!     def assertUsage(self, parser, expected_usage):
!         self.assertEqual(parser.get_usage(), expected_usage)
!     def assertVersion(self, parser, expected_version):
!         self.assertEqual(parser.get_version(), expected_version)
!     def test_default_progname(self):
!         # Make sure that program name taken from sys.argv[0] by default.
!         sys.argv[0] = "/foo/bar/baz.py"
!         parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog ...", version="%prog 1.2")
!         expected_usage = "usage: baz.py ...\n"
!         self.assertUsage(parser, expected_usage)
!         self.assertVersion(parser, "baz.py 1.2")
!         self.assertHelp(parser,
!             expected_usage + "\n" +
!             "options:\n"
!             "  --version   show program's version number and exit\n"
!             "  -h, --help  show this help message and exit\n")
!     def test_custom_progname(self):
!         parser = OptionParser(prog="thingy",
!                               version="%prog 0.1",
!                               usage="%prog arg arg")
!         parser.remove_option("-h")
!         parser.remove_option("--version")
!         expected_usage = "usage: thingy arg arg\n"
!         self.assertUsage(parser, expected_usage)
!         self.assertVersion(parser, "thingy 0.1")
!         self.assertHelp(parser, expected_usage + "\n")
! class TestExpandDefaults(BaseTest):
!     def setUp(self):
!         self.parser = OptionParser(prog="test")
!         self.help_prefix = """\
! usage: test [options]
! options:
!   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
! """
!         self.file_help = "read from FILE [default: %default]"
!         self.expected_help_file = self.help_prefix + \
!             "  -f FILE, --file=FILE  read from FILE [default: foo.txt]\n"
!         self.expected_help_none = self.help_prefix + \
!             "  -f FILE, --file=FILE  read from FILE [default: none]\n"
!     def test_option_default(self):
!         self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
!                                default="foo.txt",
!                                help=self.file_help)
!         self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_file)
!     def test_parser_default_1(self):
!         self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
!                                help=self.file_help)
!         self.parser.set_default('file', "foo.txt")
!         self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_file)
!     def test_parser_default_2(self):
!         self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
!                                help=self.file_help)
!         self.parser.set_defaults(file="foo.txt")
!         self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_file)
!     def test_no_default(self):
!         self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
!                                help=self.file_help)
!         self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_none)
!     def test_default_none_1(self):
!         self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
!                                default=None,
!                                help=self.file_help)
!         self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_none)
!     def test_default_none_2(self):
!         self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
!                                help=self.file_help)
!         self.parser.set_defaults(file=None)
!         self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_none)
!     def test_float_default(self):
!         self.parser.add_option(
!             "-p", "--prob",
!             help="blow up with probability PROB [default: %default]")
!         self.parser.set_defaults(prob=0.43)
!         expected_help = self.help_prefix + \
!             "  -p PROB, --prob=PROB  blow up with probability PROB [default: 0.43]\n"
!         self.assertHelp(self.parser, expected_help)
!     def test_alt_expand(self):
!         self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
!                                default="foo.txt",
!                                help="read from FILE [default: *DEFAULT*]")
!         self.parser.formatter.default_tag = "*DEFAULT*"
!         self.assertHelp(self.parser, self.expected_help_file)
!     def test_no_expand(self):
!         self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
!                                default="foo.txt",
!                                help="read from %default file")
!         self.parser.formatter.default_tag = None
!         expected_help = self.help_prefix + \
!             "  -f FILE, --file=FILE  read from %default file\n"
!         self.assertHelp(self.parser, expected_help)
  # -- Test parser.parse_args() ------------------------------------------
*** 319,323 ****
      def test_required_value(self):
!         self.assertParseFail(["-a"], "-a option requires a value")
      def test_invalid_integer(self):
--- 537,541 ----
      def test_required_value(self):
!         self.assertParseFail(["-a"], "-a option requires an argument")
      def test_invalid_integer(self):
*** 581,585 ****
      def test_nargs_required_values(self):
          self.assertParseFail(["--point", "1.0", "3.5"],
!                              "--point option requires 3 values")
  class TestNArgsAppend(BaseTest):
--- 799,803 ----
      def test_nargs_required_values(self):
          self.assertParseFail(["--point", "1.0", "3.5"],
!                              "--point option requires 3 arguments")
  class TestNArgsAppend(BaseTest):
*** 598,602 ****
      def test_nargs_append_required_values(self):
!                              "-f option requires 2 values")
      def test_nargs_append_simple(self):
--- 816,820 ----
      def test_nargs_append_required_values(self):
!                              "-f option requires 2 arguments")
      def test_nargs_append_simple(self):
*** 613,632 ****
          sys.argv[0] = oldargv
-     def test_version_with_prog_keyword(self):
-         oldargv = sys.argv[0]
-         sys.argv[0] = "./foo/bar"
-         self.parser = OptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE, version="%prog 0.1",
-                                    prog="splat")
-         self.assertStdoutEquals(["--version"], "splat 0.1\n")
-         sys.argv[0] = oldargv
-     def test_version_with_prog_attribute(self):
-         oldargv = sys.argv[0]
-         sys.argv[0] = "./foo/bar"
-         self.parser = OptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE, version="%prog 0.1")
-         self.parser.prog = "splat"
-         self.assertStdoutEquals(["--version"], "splat 0.1\n")
-         sys.argv[0] = oldargv
      def test_no_version(self):
          self.parser = OptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE)
--- 831,834 ----
*** 674,679 ****
          group = OptionGroup(self.parser, "Spam")
          group.parser = OptionParser()
!         self.assertRaises(self.parser.add_option_group, ValueError,
!                           "invalid OptionGroup (wrong parser)", funcargs=[group])
      def test_group_manipulate(self):
--- 876,881 ----
          group = OptionGroup(self.parser, "Spam")
          group.parser = OptionParser()
!         self.assertRaises(self.parser.add_option_group, (group,), None,
!                           ValueError, "invalid OptionGroup (wrong parser)")
      def test_group_manipulate(self):
*** 795,799 ****
! class TestCallBackExtraArgs(BaseTest):
      def setUp(self):
          options = [make_option("-p", "--point", action="callback",
--- 997,1016 ----
!     def test_callback_help(self):
!         # This test was prompted by SF bug #960515 -- the point is
!         # not to inspect the help text, just to make sure that
!         # format_help() doesn't crash.
!         parser = OptionParser(usage=SUPPRESS_USAGE)
!         parser.remove_option("-h")
!         parser.add_option("-t", "--test", action="callback",
!                           callback=lambda: None, type="string",
!                           help="foo")
!         expected_help = ("options:\n"
!                          "  -t TEST, --test=TEST  foo\n")
!         self.assertHelp(parser, expected_help)
! class TestCallbackExtraArgs(BaseTest):
      def setUp(self):
          options = [make_option("-p", "--point", action="callback",
*** 820,824 ****
! class TestCallBackMeddleArgs(BaseTest):
      def setUp(self):
          options = [make_option(str(x), action="callback",
--- 1037,1041 ----
! class TestCallbackMeddleArgs(BaseTest):
      def setUp(self):
          options = [make_option(str(x), action="callback",
*** 849,853 ****
! class TestCallBackManyArgs(BaseTest):
      def setUp(self):
          options = [make_option("-a", "--apple", action="callback", nargs=2,
--- 1066,1070 ----
! class TestCallbackManyArgs(BaseTest):
      def setUp(self):
          options = [make_option("-a", "--apple", action="callback", nargs=2,
*** 871,878 ****
                              "-b", "1", "2", "3", "--bob", "-666", "42",
!                            {},
! class TestCallBackCheckAbbrev(BaseTest):
      def setUp(self):
          self.parser = OptionParser()
--- 1088,1095 ----
                              "-b", "1", "2", "3", "--bob", "-666", "42",
!                            {"apple": None, "bob": None},
! class TestCallbackCheckAbbrev(BaseTest):
      def setUp(self):
          self.parser = OptionParser()
*** 886,890 ****
          self.assertParseOK(["--foo"], {}, [])
! class TestCallBackVarArgs(BaseTest):
      def setUp(self):
          options = [make_option("-a", type="int", nargs=2, dest="a"),
--- 1103,1107 ----
          self.assertParseOK(["--foo"], {}, [])
! class TestCallbackVarArgs(BaseTest):
      def setUp(self):
          options = [make_option("-a", type="int", nargs=2, dest="a"),
*** 951,961 ****
      """Use the default conflict resolution for Optik 1.2: error."""
      def assert_conflict_error(self, func):
!         err = self.assertRaises(func, OptionConflictError,
!                                 "option -v/--version: conflicting option "
!                                 "string(s): -v",
!                                 funcargs=["-v", "--version"],
!                                 funckwargs={'action':"callback",
!                                             'callback':self.show_version,
!                                             'help':"show version"})
          self.assertEqual(err.msg, "conflicting option string(s): -v")
--- 1168,1177 ----
      """Use the default conflict resolution for Optik 1.2: error."""
      def assert_conflict_error(self, func):
!         err = self.assertRaises(
!             func, ("-v", "--version"), {'action' : "callback",
!                                         'callback' : self.show_version,
!                                         'help' : "show version"},
!             OptionConflictError,
!             "option -v/--version: conflicting option string(s): -v")
          self.assertEqual(err.msg, "conflicting option string(s): -v")
*** 970,976 ****
      def test_no_such_conflict_handler(self):
!         self.assertRaises(self.parser.set_conflict_handler, ValueError,
!                           "invalid conflict_resolution value 'foo'",
!                           funcargs=['foo'])
--- 1186,1192 ----
      def test_no_such_conflict_handler(self):
!         self.assertRaises(
!             self.parser.set_conflict_handler, ('foo',), None,
!             ValueError, "invalid conflict_resolution value 'foo'")
*** 1083,1088 ****
--- 1299,1356 ----
  # -- Other testing. ----------------------------------------------------
+ _expected_help_basic = """\
+ usage: bar.py [options]
+ options:
+   -a APPLE           throw APPLEs at basket
+   -b NUM, --boo=NUM  shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all the
+                      evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem)
+   --foo=FOO          store FOO in the foo list for later fooing
+   -h, --help         show this help message and exit
+ """
+ _expected_help_long_opts_first = """\
+ usage: bar.py [options]
+ options:
+   -a APPLE           throw APPLEs at basket
+   --boo=NUM, -b NUM  shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all the
+                      evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem)
+   --foo=FOO          store FOO in the foo list for later fooing
+   --help, -h         show this help message and exit
+ """
+ _expected_help_title_formatter = """\
+ Usage
+ =====
+   bar.py [options]
+ options
+ =======
+ -a APPLE           throw APPLEs at basket
+ --boo=NUM, -b NUM  shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all the
+                    evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem)
+ --foo=FOO          store FOO in the foo list for later fooing
+ --help, -h         show this help message and exit
+ """
+ _expected_help_short_lines = """\
+ usage: bar.py [options]
+ options:
+   -a APPLE           throw APPLEs at basket
+   -b NUM, --boo=NUM  shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to
+                      frighten away all the evil spirits
+                      that cause trouble and mayhem)
+   --foo=FOO          store FOO in the foo list for later
+                      fooing
+   -h, --help         show this help message and exit
+ """
  class TestHelp(BaseTest):
      def setUp(self):
+         self.parser = self.make_parser(80)
+     def make_parser(self, columns):
          options = [
              make_option("-a", type="string", dest='a',
*** 1096,1102 ****
                          help="store FOO in the foo list for later fooing"),
!         usage = "%prog [options]"
!         self.parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, option_list=options)
      def assertHelpEquals(self, expected_output):
--- 1364,1369 ----
                          help="store FOO in the foo list for later fooing"),
!         os.environ['COLUMNS'] = str(columns)
!         return OptionParser(option_list=options)        
      def assertHelpEquals(self, expected_output):
*** 1110,1169 ****
      def test_help(self):
!         self.assertHelpEquals("""\
! usage: bar.py [options]
! options:
!   -aAPPLE           throw APPLEs at basket
!   -bNUM, --boo=NUM  shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all
!                     the evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem)
!   --foo=FOO         store FOO in the foo list for later fooing
!   -h, --help        show this help message and exit
! """)
      def test_help_old_usage(self):
          self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog [options]")
!         self.assertHelpEquals("""\
! usage: bar.py [options]
! options:
!   -aAPPLE           throw APPLEs at basket
!   -bNUM, --boo=NUM  shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all
!                     the evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem)
!   --foo=FOO         store FOO in the foo list for later fooing
!   -h, --help        show this help message and exit
! """)
      def test_help_long_opts_first(self):
          self.parser.formatter.short_first = 0
!         self.assertHelpEquals("""\
! usage: bar.py [options]
! options:
!   -aAPPLE           throw APPLEs at basket
!   --boo=NUM, -bNUM  shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all
!                     the evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem)
!   --foo=FOO         store FOO in the foo list for later fooing
!   --help, -h        show this help message and exit
! """)
      def test_help_title_formatter(self):
          self.parser.formatter = TitledHelpFormatter()
!         self.assertHelpEquals("""\
! Usage
! =====
!   bar.py [options]
! options
! =======
! -aAPPLE           throw APPLEs at basket
! --boo=NUM, -bNUM  shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all
!                   the evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem)
! --foo=FOO         store FOO in the foo list for later fooing
! --help, -h        show this help message and exit
! """)
      def test_help_description_groups(self):
!             "This is the program description.  This program has "
              "an option group as well as single options.")
--- 1377,1404 ----
      def test_help(self):
!         self.assertHelpEquals(_expected_help_basic)
      def test_help_old_usage(self):
          self.parser.set_usage("usage: %prog [options]")
!         self.assertHelpEquals(_expected_help_basic)
      def test_help_long_opts_first(self):
          self.parser.formatter.short_first = 0
!         self.assertHelpEquals(_expected_help_long_opts_first)
      def test_help_title_formatter(self):
          self.parser.formatter = TitledHelpFormatter()
!         self.assertHelpEquals(_expected_help_title_formatter)
!     def test_wrap_columns(self):
!         # Ensure that wrapping respects $COLUMNS environment variable.
!         # Need to reconstruct the parser, since that's the only time
!         # we look at $COLUMNS.
!         self.parser = self.make_parser(60)
!         self.assertHelpEquals(_expected_help_short_lines)
      def test_help_description_groups(self):
!             "This is the program description for %prog.  %prog has "
              "an option group as well as single options.")
*** 1178,1196 ****
  usage: bar.py [options]
! This is the program description.  This program has an option group as well as
! single options.
!   -aAPPLE           throw APPLEs at basket
!   -bNUM, --boo=NUM  shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all
!                     the evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem)
!   --foo=FOO         store FOO in the foo list for later fooing
!   -h, --help        show this help message and exit
    Dangerous Options:
!     Caution: use of these options is at your own risk.  It is believed that
!     some of them bite.
!     -g              Group option.
  class TestMatchAbbrev(BaseTest):
      def test_match_abbrev(self):
--- 1413,1436 ----
  usage: bar.py [options]
! This is the program description for bar.py.  bar.py has an option group as
! well as single options.
!   -a APPLE           throw APPLEs at basket
!   -b NUM, --boo=NUM  shout "boo!" NUM times (in order to frighten away all the
!                      evil spirits that cause trouble and mayhem)
!   --foo=FOO          store FOO in the foo list for later fooing
!   -h, --help         show this help message and exit
    Dangerous Options:
!     Caution: use of these options is at your own risk.  It is believed
!     that some of them bite.
!     -g               Group option.
  class TestMatchAbbrev(BaseTest):
      def test_match_abbrev(self):
*** 1206,1218 ****
          wordmap = {"--foz": None, "--foo": None, "--fie": None}
          possibilities = ", ".join(wordmap.keys())
!         self.assertRaises(_match_abbrev, BadOptionError,
!                           "ambiguous option: --f (%s?)" % possibilities,
!                           funcargs=[s, wordmap])
! def test_main():
      mod = sys.modules[__name__]
!     test_support.run_unittest(
!         *[getattr(mod, name) for name in dir(mod) if name.startswith('Test')]
!     )
  if __name__ == '__main__':
--- 1446,1466 ----
          wordmap = {"--foz": None, "--foo": None, "--fie": None}
          possibilities = ", ".join(wordmap.keys())
!         self.assertRaises(
!             _match_abbrev, (s, wordmap), None,
!             BadOptionError, "ambiguous option: --f (%s?)" % possibilities)
! def _testclasses():
      mod = sys.modules[__name__]
!     return [getattr(mod, name) for name in dir(mod) if name.startswith('Test')]
! def suite():
!     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
!     for testclass in _testclasses():
!         suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(testclass))
!     return suite
! def test_main():
!     test_support.run_suite(suite())
  if __name__ == '__main__':

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