[Python-checkins] python/nondist/sandbox/distutilsref distref.tex,1.8,1.9

anthonybaxter@users.sourceforge.net anthonybaxter@users.sourceforge.net
Mon, 26 May 2003 01:00:39 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/distutilsref
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Index: distref.tex
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/distutilsref/distref.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** distref.tex	22 May 2003 00:29:07 -0000	1.8
--- distref.tex	26 May 2003 08:00:36 -0000	1.9
*** 1255,1261 ****
  \modulesynopsis{provides the TextFile class, a simple interface to text files}
! This module provides the \class{TextFile} class, which gives an interface to text files
! that (optionally) takes care of stripping comments, ignoring blank
! lines, and joining lines with backslashes.
--- 1255,1372 ----
  \modulesynopsis{provides the TextFile class, a simple interface to text files}
! This module provides the \class{TextFile} class, which gives an interface 
! to text files that (optionally) takes care of stripping comments, ignoring 
! blank lines, and joining lines with backslashes.
! \begin{classdesc}{TextFile}{\optional{filename=\code{None}, file=\code{None}, **options}}
! This class provides a file-like object that takes care of all 
! the things you commonly want to do when processing a text file 
! that has some line-by-line syntax: strip comments (as long as \code{#} 
! is your comment character), skip blank lines, join adjacent lines by
! escaping the newline (ie. backslash at end of line), strip
! leading and/or trailing whitespace.  All of these are optional
! and independently controllable.
! The class provides a \method{warn()} method so you can generate 
! warning messages that report physical line number, even if the 
! logical line in question spans multiple physical lines.  Also 
! provides \method{unreadline()} for implementing line-at-a-time lookahead.
! \class{TextFile} instances are create with either \var{filename}, \var{file},
! or both. \exception{RuntimeError} is raised if both are \code{None}.
! \var{filename} should be a string, and \var{file} a file object (or
! something that provides \method{readline()} and \method{close()} 
! methods).  It is recommended that you supply at least \var{filename}, 
! so that \class{TextFile} can include it in warning messages.  If 
! \var{file} is not supplied, TextFile creates its own using the 
! \var{open()} builtin.
! The options are all boolean, and affect the values returned by
! \var{readline()}
! \begin{tableiii}{c|l|l}{option name}{option name}{description}{default}
! \lineiii{strip_comments}{
! strip from "\#" to end-of-line, as well as any whitespace
! leading up to the "\#" -- unless it is escaped by a backslash}
! {true}
! \lineiii{lstrip_ws}{
! strip leading whitespace from each line before returning it}
! {false}
! \lineiii{rstrip_ws}{
! strip trailing whitespace (including line terminator!) from
! each line before returning it.}
! {true}
! \lineiii{skip_blanks}{
! skip lines that are empty *after* stripping comments and
! whitespace.  (If both lstrip_ws and rstrip_ws are false,
! then some lines may consist of solely whitespace: these will
! *not* be skipped, even if \var{skip_blanks} is true.)}
! {true}
! \lineiii{join_lines}{
! if a backslash is the last non-newline character on a line
! after stripping comments and whitespace, join the following line
! to it to form one "logical line"; if N consecutive lines end
! with a backslash, then N+1 physical lines will be joined to
! form one logical line.}
! {false}
! \lineiii{collapse_join}{
! strip leading whitespace from lines that are joined to their
! predecessor; only matters if \samp{(join_lines and not lstrip_ws)}}
! {false}
! \end{tableiii}
! Note that since \var{rstrip_ws} can strip the trailing newline, the
! semantics of \method{readline()} must differ from those of the builtin file
! object's \method{readline()} method!  In particular, \method{readline()} 
! returns \code{None} for end-of-file: an empty string might just be a 
! blank line (or an all-whitespace line), if \var{rstrip_ws} is true 
! but \var{skip_blanks} is not.
! \begin{methoddesc}{open}{filename}
! Open a new file \var{filename}. This overrides any \var{file} or 
! \var{filename} constructor arguments.
! \end{methoddesc}
! \begin{methoddesc}{close}{}
! Close the current file and forget everything we know about it (including
! the filename and the current line number).
! \end{methoddesc}
! \begin{methoddesc}{warn}{msg\optional{,line=\code{None}}}
! Print (to stderr) a warning message tied to the current logical
! line in the current file.  If the current logical line in the
! file spans multiple physical lines, the warning refers to the
! whole range, e.g. \samp{"lines 3-5"}.  If \var{line} is supplied, 
! it overrides the current line number; it may be a list or tuple 
! to indicate a range of physical lines, or an integer for a 
! single physical line.
! \end{methoddesc}
! \begin{methoddesc}{readline}{}
! Read and return a single logical line from the current file (or
! from an internal buffer if lines have previously been "unread"
! with \method{unreadline()}).  If the \var{join_lines} option 
! is true, this may involve reading multiple physical lines 
! concatenated into a single string.  Updates the current line number, 
! so calling \method{warn()} after \method{readline()} emits a warning 
! about the physical line(s) just read.  Returns \code{None} on end-of-file, 
! since the empty string can occur if \var{rstrip_ws} is true but 
! \var{strip_blanks} is not.
! \end{methoddesc}
! \begin{methoddesc}{readlines}{}
! Read and return the list of all logical lines remaining in the current file.
! This updates the current line number to the last line of the file.
! \end{methoddesc}
! \begin{methoddesc}{unreadline}{line}
! Push \var{line} (a string) onto an internal buffer that will be
! checked by future \method{readline()} calls.  Handy for implementing
! a parser with line-at-a-time lookahead. Note that lines that are "unread"
! with \method{unreadline} are not subsequently re-cleansed (whitespace 
! stripped, or whatever) when read with \method{readline}. If multiple
! calls are made to \method{unreadline} before a call to \method{readline},
! the lines will be returned most in most recent first order.
! \end{methoddesc}
! \end{classdesc}
*** 1267,1272 ****
  This part of Distutils implements the various Distutils commands, such
! as 'build', 'install' \&c. 
  \subsubsection{\module{distutils.cmd} -- Abstract base class for Distutils commands}
--- 1378,1383 ----
  This part of Distutils implements the various Distutils commands, such
! as \code{build}, \code{install} \&c. Each command is implemented as a
! separate module, with the command name as the name of the module.
  \subsubsection{\module{distutils.cmd} -- Abstract base class for Distutils commands}
*** 1296,1300 ****
  \class{Distribution} instance. 
--- 1407,1410 ----
*** 1411,1420 ****
  \modulesynopsis{Register a module with the Python Package Index}
! The \code{register} command registers the package with the Python Package Index.
! This is described more in \pep{301}.
  \subsubsection{Creating a new Distutils command}
! This section will go through the steps to create a new Distutils command.
  A new command lives in a module in the \module{distutils.command}
--- 1521,1530 ----
  \modulesynopsis{Register a module with the Python Package Index}
! The \code{register} command registers the package with the Python Package 
! Index.  This is described in more detail in \pep{301}.
  \subsubsection{Creating a new Distutils command}
! This section outlines the steps to create a new Distutils command.
  A new command lives in a module in the \module{distutils.command}
*** 1458,1460 ****
--- 1568,1585 ----
+ \var{sub_commands} formalizes the notion of a "family" of commands,
+ eg. \code{install} as the parent with sub-commands \code{install_lib},
+ \code{install_headers}, etc.  The parent of a family of commands
+ defines \var{sub_commands} as a class attribute; it's a list of
+ 2-tuples \samp{(command_name, predicate)}, with \var{command_name} a string
+ and \var{predicate} an unbound method, a string or None.
+ \var{predicate} is a method of the parent command that
+ determines whether the corresponding command is applicable in the
+ current situation.  (Eg. we \code{install_headers} is only applicable if
+ we have any C header files to install.)  If \var{predicate} is None,
+ that command is always applicable.
+ \var{sub_commands} is usually defined at the *end* of a class, because
+ predicates can be unbound methods, so they must already have been
+ defined.  The canonical example is the \code{install} command.