[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Doc/perl l2hinit.perl,1.65,1.66

fdrake@users.sourceforge.net fdrake@users.sourceforge.net
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 09:01:01 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Doc/perl
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv29082/perl

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add support for using a "favicon".

make_head_and_body():  Re-arranged to do (slightly) less work for each page.

Index: l2hinit.perl
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Doc/perl/l2hinit.perl,v
retrieving revision 1.65
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -C2 -d -r1.65 -r1.66
*** l2hinit.perl	24 Oct 2002 16:36:05 -0000	1.65
--- l2hinit.perl	30 Oct 2002 17:00:58 -0000	1.66
*** 138,143 ****
      my $iconserver = ($ICONSERVER eq '.') ? '' : "$ICONSERVER/";
!     return "<img src=\"$iconserver$name.$IMAGE_TYPE\"\n  border=\"0\""
!            . " height=\"32\"\n  alt=\"$text\" width=\"32\">";
--- 138,143 ----
      my $iconserver = ($ICONSERVER eq '.') ? '' : "$ICONSERVER/";
!     return "<img src='$iconserver$name.$IMAGE_TYPE'\n  border='0'"
!            . " height='32'  alt='$text' width='32'>";
*** 614,630 ****
          $STYLESHEET = $FILE.".css" unless $STYLESHEET;
          $MY_PARTIAL_HEADER = join('',
!             ($CHARSET && $HTML_VERSION ge "2.1"
!              ? ('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; '
!                 . "charset=$CHARSET\">\n")
!              : ''),
              ($BASE ? "<base href=\"$BASE\">\n" : ''),
              "<link rel=\"STYLESHEET\" href=\"$STYLESHEET\" type='text/css'>\n",
              "<link rel=\"first\" href=\"$FILE.html\">\n",
               ? ('<link rel="contents" href="contents.html" title="Contents">'
!                 . "\n")
               : ''),
!              ? '<link rel="index" href="genindex.html" title="Index">'
               : ''),
              # disable for now -- Mozilla doesn't do well with multiple indexes
--- 614,631 ----
          $STYLESHEET = $FILE.".css" unless $STYLESHEET;
          $MY_PARTIAL_HEADER = join('',
!             ($DOCTYPE ? $DTDcomment : ''),
!             "<html>\n<head>\n",
              ($BASE ? "<base href=\"$BASE\">\n" : ''),
              "<link rel=\"STYLESHEET\" href=\"$STYLESHEET\" type='text/css'>\n",
              "<link rel=\"first\" href=\"$FILE.html\">\n",
+             ($FAVORITES_ICON
+              ? ('<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="' . "$FAVORITES_ICON\">\n")
+              : ''),
               ? ('<link rel="contents" href="contents.html" title="Contents">'
!                 . ($HAVE_GENERAL_INDEX ? "\n" : ''))
               : ''),
!              ? '<link rel="index" href="genindex.html" title="Index">' . "\n"
               : ''),
              # disable for now -- Mozilla doesn't do well with multiple indexes
*** 633,648 ****
              #    . "\n"
              #  : ''),
!             $more_links_mark);
      if (!$charset && $CHARSET) { $charset = $CHARSET; $charset =~ s/_/\-/go; }
!     join('', ($DOCTYPE ? $DTDcomment : '' )
!          , "<html>\n<head>\n<title>", $title, "</title>\n"
!          , &meta_information($title)
!          , $MY_PARTIAL_HEADER
!          , ($AESOP_META_TYPE eq '' ? ''
!             : "\n<meta name='aesop' content='$AESOP_META_TYPE'>")
!          , "\n</head>\n<body$body>");
--- 634,652 ----
              #    . "\n"
              #  : ''),
!             $more_links_mark,
!             ($CHARSET && $HTML_VERSION ge "2.1"
!              ? ('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; '
!                 . "charset=$CHARSET\">\n")
!              : ''),
!             ($AESOP_META_TYPE
!              ? "<meta name='aesop' content='$AESOP_META_TYPE'>\n" : ''));
      if (!$charset && $CHARSET) { $charset = $CHARSET; $charset =~ s/_/\-/go; }
!     join('',
!          $MY_PARTIAL_HEADER,
!          &meta_information($title),
!          "<title>", $title, "</title>\n</head>\n<body$body>");