[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Tools/i18n pygettext.py,1.21,1.22

loewis@users.sourceforge.net loewis@users.sourceforge.net
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 00:36:56 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Tools/i18n
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv18615/Tools/i18n

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Patch #494845: Support string concatenation, detect non-string data,
add globbing support, find modules by name instead of by file.

Index: pygettext.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Tools/i18n/pygettext.py,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -C2 -d -r1.21 -r1.22
*** pygettext.py	27 Jul 2001 16:47:18 -0000	1.21
--- pygettext.py	22 Nov 2002 08:36:54 -0000	1.22
*** 1,30 ****
  #! /usr/bin/env python
  # Originally written by Barry Warsaw <barry@zope.com>
  # Minimally patched to make it even more xgettext compatible 
  # by Peter Funk <pf@artcom-gmbh.de>
! """pygettext -- Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
  Many systems (Solaris, Linux, Gnu) provide extensive tools that ease the
! internationalization of C programs.  Most of these tools are independent of
! the programming language and can be used from within Python programs.  Martin
! von Loewis' work[1] helps considerably in this regard.
  There's one problem though; xgettext is the program that scans source code
! looking for message strings, but it groks only C (or C++).  Python introduces
! a few wrinkles, such as dual quoting characters, triple quoted strings, and
! raw strings.  xgettext understands none of this.
! Enter pygettext, which uses Python's standard tokenize module to scan Python
! source code, generating .pot files identical to what GNU xgettext[2] generates
! for C and C++ code.  From there, the standard GNU tools can be used.
! A word about marking Python strings as candidates for translation.  GNU
! xgettext recognizes the following keywords: gettext, dgettext, dcgettext, and
! gettext_noop.  But those can be a lot of text to include all over your code.
! C and C++ have a trick: they use the C preprocessor.  Most internationalized C
! source includes a #define for gettext() to _() so that what has to be written
! in the source is much less.  Thus these are both translatable strings:
      gettext("Translatable String")
--- 1,48 ----
  #! /usr/bin/env python
+ # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
  # Originally written by Barry Warsaw <barry@zope.com>
  # Minimally patched to make it even more xgettext compatible 
  # by Peter Funk <pf@artcom-gmbh.de>
+ #
+ # 2002-11-22 Jürgen Hermann <jh@web.de>
+ # Added checks that _() only contains string literals, and
+ # command line args are resolved to module lists, i.e. you
+ # can now pass a filename, a module or package name, or a
+ # directory (including globbing chars, important for Win32).
+ # Made docstring fit in 80 chars wide displays using pydoc.
+ #
! # for selftesting
! try:
!     import fintl
!     _ = fintl.gettext
! except ImportError:
!     _ = lambda s: s
! __doc__ = _("""pygettext -- Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
  Many systems (Solaris, Linux, Gnu) provide extensive tools that ease the
! internationalization of C programs. Most of these tools are independent of
! the programming language and can be used from within Python programs.
! Martin von Loewis' work[1] helps considerably in this regard. 
  There's one problem though; xgettext is the program that scans source code
! looking for message strings, but it groks only C (or C++). Python
! introduces a few wrinkles, such as dual quoting characters, triple quoted
! strings, and raw strings. xgettext understands none of this. 
! Enter pygettext, which uses Python's standard tokenize module to scan
! Python source code, generating .pot files identical to what GNU xgettext[2]
! generates for C and C++ code. From there, the standard GNU tools can be
! used. 
! A word about marking Python strings as candidates for translation. GNU
! xgettext recognizes the following keywords: gettext, dgettext, dcgettext,
! and gettext_noop. But those can be a lot of text to include all over your
! code. C and C++ have a trick: they use the C preprocessor. Most
! internationalized C source includes a #define for gettext() to _() so that
! what has to be written in the source is much less. Thus these are both
! translatable strings: 
      gettext("Translatable String")
*** 38,46 ****
   [2] http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/gettext.html
! NOTE: pygettext attempts to be option and feature compatible with GNU xgettext
! where ever possible.  However some options are still missing or are not fully
! implemented.  Also, xgettext's use of command line switches with option
! arguments is broken, and in these cases, pygettext just defines additional
! switches.
  Usage: pygettext [options] inputfile ...
--- 56,64 ----
   [2] http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/gettext.html
! NOTE: pygettext attempts to be option and feature compatible with GNU
! xgettext where ever possible. However some options are still missing or are
! not fully implemented. Also, xgettext's use of command line switches with
! option arguments is broken, and in these cases, pygettext just defines
! additional switches. 
  Usage: pygettext [options] inputfile ...
*** 62,68 ****
!         Extract module, class, method, and function docstrings.  These do not
!         need to be wrapped in _() markers, and in fact cannot be for Python to
!         consider them docstrings. (See also the -X option).
--- 80,86 ----
!         Extract module, class, method, and function docstrings.  These do
!         not need to be wrapped in _() markers, and in fact cannot be for
!         Python to consider them docstrings. (See also the -X option).
*** 136,140 ****
  If `inputfile' is -, standard input is read.
! """
  import os
--- 154,158 ----
  If `inputfile' is -, standard input is read.
! """)
  import os
*** 142,156 ****
  import time
  import getopt
  import tokenize
  import operator
! # for selftesting
! try:
!     import fintl
!     _ = fintl.gettext
! except ImportError:
!     def _(s): return s
! __version__ = '1.4'
  default_keywords = ['_']
--- 160,168 ----
  import time
  import getopt
+ import token
  import tokenize
  import operator
! __version__ = '1.5'
  default_keywords = ['_']
*** 184,188 ****
  def usage(code, msg=''):
!     print >> sys.stderr, _(__doc__) % globals()
      if msg:
          print >> sys.stderr, msg
--- 196,200 ----
  def usage(code, msg=''):
!     print >> sys.stderr, __doc__ % globals()
      if msg:
          print >> sys.stderr, msg
*** 243,246 ****
--- 255,355 ----
      return s
+ def containsAny(str, set):
+     """ Check whether 'str' contains ANY of the chars in 'set'
+     """
+     return 1 in [c in str for c in set]
+ def _visit_pyfiles(list, dirname, names):
+     """ Helper for getFilesForName().
+     """
+     # get extension for python source files
+     if not globals().has_key('_py_ext'):
+         import imp
+         global _py_ext
+         _py_ext = [triple[0] for triple in imp.get_suffixes() if triple[2] == imp.PY_SOURCE][0]
+     # don't recurse into CVS directories
+     if 'CVS' in names:
+         names.remove('CVS')
+     # add all *.py files to list
+     list.extend(
+         [os.path.join(dirname, file)
+             for file in names
+                 if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == _py_ext])
+ def _get_modpkg_path(dotted_name, pathlist=None):
+     """ Get the filesystem path for a module or a package.
+         Return the file system path to a file for a module,
+         and to a directory for a package. Return None if
+         the name is not found, or is a builtin or extension module.
+     """
+     import imp
+     # split off top-most name
+     parts = dotted_name.split('.', 1)
+     if len(parts) > 1:
+         # we have a dotted path, import top-level package
+         try:
+             file, pathname, description = imp.find_module(parts[0], pathlist)
+             if file: file.close()
+         except ImportError:
+             return None
+         # check if it's indeed a package
+         if description[2] == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
+             # recursively handle the remaining name parts
+             pathname = _get_modpkg_path(parts[1], [pathname])
+         else:
+             pathname = None
+     else:
+         # plain name
+         try:
+             file, pathname, description = imp.find_module(dotted_name, pathlist)
+             if file: file.close()
+             if description[2] not in [imp.PY_SOURCE, imp.PKG_DIRECTORY]:
+                 pathname = None
+         except ImportError:
+             pathname = None
+     return pathname
+ def getFilesForName(name):
+     """ Get a list of module files for a filename, a module or package name,
+         or a directory.
+     """
+     import imp
+     if not os.path.exists(name):
+         # check for glob chars
+         if containsAny(name, "*?[]"):
+             import glob
+             files = glob.glob(name)
+             list = []
+             for file in files:
+                 list.extend(getFilesForName(file))
+             return list
+         # try to find module or package
+         name = _get_modpkg_path(name)
+         if not name:
+             return []
+     if os.path.isdir(name):
+         # find all python files in directory
+         list = []
+         os.path.walk(name, _visit_pyfiles, list)
+         return list
+     elif os.path.exists(name):
+         # a single file
+         return [name]
+     return []
*** 315,319 ****
          elif ttype == tokenize.STRING:
!         # TBD: should we warn if we seen anything else?
      def __addentry(self, msg, lineno=None, isdocstring=0):
--- 424,433 ----
          elif ttype == tokenize.STRING:
!         elif ttype not in [tokenize.COMMENT, token.INDENT, token.DEDENT,
!                            token.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL]:
!             # warn if we see anything else than STRING or whitespace
!             print >>sys.stderr, _('*** %(file)s:%(lineno)s: Seen unexpected token "%(token)s"') % {
!                 'token': tstring, 'file': self.__curfile, 'lineno': self.__lineno}
!             self.__state = self.__waiting
      def __addentry(self, msg, lineno=None, isdocstring=0):
*** 496,499 ****
--- 610,622 ----
          options.toexclude = []
+     # resolve args to module lists
+     expanded = []
+     for arg in args:
+         if arg == '-':
+             expanded.append(arg)
+         else:
+             expanded.extend(getFilesForName(arg))
+     args = expanded
      # slurp through all the files
      eater = TokenEater(options)
*** 540,541 ****
--- 663,667 ----
      # some more test strings
      _(u'a unicode string')
+     _('*** Seen unexpected token "%(token)s"' % {'token': 'test'}) # this one creates a warning
+     _('more' 'than' 'one' 'string')