[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Misc NEWS,1.570,1.571

rhettinger@users.sourceforge.net rhettinger@users.sourceforge.net
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 12:14:13 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Misc
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv24709

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add newsitem for the two new unittest methods.
Also, made some whitespace cleanup.

Index: NEWS
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Misc/NEWS,v
retrieving revision 1.570
retrieving revision 1.571
diff -C2 -d -r1.570 -r1.571
*** NEWS	25 Dec 2002 23:13:34 -0000	1.570
--- NEWS	29 Dec 2002 20:14:11 -0000	1.571
*** 438,441 ****
--- 438,447 ----
+ - unittest.py now has two additional methods called assertAlmostEqual()
+   and failIfAlmostEqual().  They implement an approximate comparision
+   by rounding the difference between the two arguments and comparing
+   the result to zero.  Approximate comparision is essential for
+   unit tests of floating point results.
  - calendar.py now depends on the new datetime module rather than
    the time module.  As a result, the range of allowable dates
*** 965,969 ****
    be used to run any Python script using the window manager (including
    Tkinter or wxPython scripts).
  - A new utility PythonLauncher will start a Python interpreter when a .py or
    .pyw script is double-clicked in the Finder. By default .py scripts are
--- 971,975 ----
    be used to run any Python script using the window manager (including
    Tkinter or wxPython scripts).
  - A new utility PythonLauncher will start a Python interpreter when a .py or
    .pyw script is double-clicked in the Finder. By default .py scripts are
*** 971,982 ****
    files are run with a window-aware pythonw interpreter without a Terminal
    window, but all this can be customized.
  - MacPython-OS9 is now Carbon-only, so it runs on Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X and
    possibly on Mac OS 8.6 with the right CarbonLib installed, but not on earlier
  - Many tools such as BuildApplet.py and gensuitemodule.py now support a command
    line interface too.
  - All the Carbon classes are now PEP253 compliant, meaning that you can
    subclass them from Python. Most of the attributes have gone, you should
--- 977,988 ----
    files are run with a window-aware pythonw interpreter without a Terminal
    window, but all this can be customized.
  - MacPython-OS9 is now Carbon-only, so it runs on Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X and
    possibly on Mac OS 8.6 with the right CarbonLib installed, but not on earlier
  - Many tools such as BuildApplet.py and gensuitemodule.py now support a command
    line interface too.
  - All the Carbon classes are now PEP253 compliant, meaning that you can
    subclass them from Python. Most of the attributes have gone, you should
*** 984,988 ****
    documentation uses. Some attributes such as grafport.visRgn are still
    available for convenience.
  - New Carbon modules File (implementing the APIs in Files.h and Aliases.h)
    and Folder (APIs from Folders.h). The old macfs builtin module is
--- 990,994 ----
    documentation uses. Some attributes such as grafport.visRgn are still
    available for convenience.
  - New Carbon modules File (implementing the APIs in Files.h and Aliases.h)
    and Folder (APIs from Folders.h). The old macfs builtin module is
*** 992,996 ****
    unix pathnames and MacPython-OS9 always uses colon-separated Mac pathnames
    (also when running on Mac OS X).
  - New Carbon modules Help and AH give access to the Carbon Help Manager.
    There are hooks in the IDE to allow accessing the Python documentation
--- 998,1002 ----
    unix pathnames and MacPython-OS9 always uses colon-separated Mac pathnames
    (also when running on Mac OS X).
  - New Carbon modules Help and AH give access to the Carbon Help Manager.
    There are hooks in the IDE to allow accessing the Python documentation
*** 998,1005 ****
    See Mac/OSX/README for converting the Python documentation to a
    Help Viewer comaptible form and installing it.
  - OSA support has been redesigned and the generated Python classes now
    mirror the inheritance defined by the underlying OSA classes.
  - MacPython no longer maps both \r and \n to \n on input for any text file.
    This feature has been replaced by universal newline support (PEP278).
--- 1004,1011 ----
    See Mac/OSX/README for converting the Python documentation to a
    Help Viewer comaptible form and installing it.
  - OSA support has been redesigned and the generated Python classes now
    mirror the inheritance defined by the underlying OSA classes.
  - MacPython no longer maps both \r and \n to \n on input for any text file.
    This feature has been replaced by universal newline support (PEP278).
*** 1646,1656 ****
! 	  while 1:
! 	      pass
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
! 	  # We get here on Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break now; if we had not changed
! 	  # SIGBREAK, only on Ctrl+C (and Ctrl+Break would terminate the
! 	  # program without the possibility for any Python-level cleanup).
! 	  print "Clean exit"
--- 1652,1662 ----
!           while 1:
!               pass
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
!           # We get here on Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break now; if we had not changed
!           # SIGBREAK, only on Ctrl+C (and Ctrl+Break would terminate the
!           # program without the possibility for any Python-level cleanup).
!           print "Clean exit"
*** 2009,2013 ****
        double x = PyLong_AsDouble(some_long_object);
        if (x == -1.0 && PyErr_Occurred()) {
! 	      /* The conversion failed. */
--- 2015,2019 ----
        double x = PyLong_AsDouble(some_long_object);
        if (x == -1.0 && PyErr_Occurred()) {
!               /* The conversion failed. */