[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib/test test_trace.py,1.6,1.7

mwh@users.sourceforge.net mwh@users.sourceforge.net
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 08:15:57 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv23499/Lib/test

Modified Files:
Log Message:
This is Richie Hindle's patch

[ 643835 ] Set Next Statement for Python debuggers

with a few tweaks by me: adding an unsigned or two, mentioning that
not all jumps are allowed in the doc for pdb, adding a NEWS item and
a note to whatsnew, and AuCTeX doing something cosmetic to libpdb.tex.

Index: test_trace.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/test_trace.py,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** test_trace.py	9 Nov 2002 05:26:15 -0000	1.6
--- test_trace.py	17 Dec 2002 16:15:22 -0000	1.7
*** 222,228 ****
--- 222,517 ----
+ # 'Jump' tests: assigning to frame.f_lineno within a trace function
+ # moves the execution position - it's how debuggers implement a Jump
+ # command (aka. "Set next statement").
+ class JumpTracer:
+     """Defines a trace function that jumps from one place to another,
+     with the source and destination lines of the jump being defined by
+     the 'jump' property of the function under test."""
+     def __init__(self, function):
+         self.function = function
+         self.jumpFrom = function.jump[0]
+         self.jumpTo = function.jump[1]
+         self.done = False
+     def trace(self, frame, event, arg):
+         if not self.done and frame.f_code == self.function.func_code:
+             firstLine = frame.f_code.co_firstlineno
+             if frame.f_lineno == firstLine + self.jumpFrom:
+                 # Cope with non-integer self.jumpTo (because of
+                 # no_jump_to_non_integers below).
+                 try:
+                     frame.f_lineno = firstLine + self.jumpTo
+                 except TypeError:
+                     frame.f_lineno = self.jumpTo
+                 self.done = True
+         return self.trace
+ # The first set of 'jump' tests are for things that are allowed:
+ def jump_simple_forwards(output):
+     output.append(1)
+     output.append(2)
+     output.append(3)
+ jump_simple_forwards.jump = (1, 3)
+ jump_simple_forwards.output = [3]
+ def jump_simple_backwards(output):
+     output.append(1)
+     output.append(2)
+ jump_simple_backwards.jump = (2, 1)
+ jump_simple_backwards.output = [1, 1, 2]
+ def jump_out_of_block_forwards(output):
+     for i in 1, 2:
+         output.append(2)
+         for j in [3]:  # Also tests jumping over a block
+             output.append(4)
+     output.append(5)
+ jump_out_of_block_forwards.jump = (3, 5)
+ jump_out_of_block_forwards.output = [2, 5]
+ def jump_out_of_block_backwards(output):
+     output.append(1)
+     for i in [1]:
+         output.append(3)
+         for j in [2]:  # Also tests jumping over a block
+             output.append(5)
+         output.append(6)
+     output.append(7)
+ jump_out_of_block_backwards.jump = (6, 1)
+ jump_out_of_block_backwards.output = [1, 3, 5, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7]
+ def jump_to_codeless_line(output):
+     output.append(1)
+     # Jumping to this line should skip to the next one.
+     output.append(3)
+ jump_to_codeless_line.jump = (1, 2)
+ jump_to_codeless_line.output = [3]
+ def jump_to_same_line(output):
+     output.append(1)
+     output.append(2)
+     output.append(3)
+ jump_to_same_line.jump = (2, 2)
+ jump_to_same_line.output = [1, 2, 3]
+ # Tests jumping within a finally block, and over one.
+ def jump_in_nested_finally(output):
+     try:
+         output.append(2)
+     finally:
+         output.append(4)
+         try:
+             output.append(6)
+         finally:
+             output.append(8)
+         output.append(9)
+ jump_in_nested_finally.jump = (4, 9)
+ jump_in_nested_finally.output = [2, 9]
+ # The second set of 'jump' tests are for things that are not allowed:
+ def no_jump_too_far_forwards(output):
+     try:
+         output.append(2)
+         output.append(3)
+     except ValueError, e:
+         output.append('after' in str(e))
+ no_jump_too_far_forwards.jump = (3, 6)
+ no_jump_too_far_forwards.output = [2, True]
+ def no_jump_too_far_backwards(output):
+     try:
+         output.append(2)
+         output.append(3)
+     except ValueError, e:
+         output.append('before' in str(e))
+ no_jump_too_far_backwards.jump = (3, -1)
+ no_jump_too_far_backwards.output = [2, True]
+ # Test each kind of 'except' line.
+ def no_jump_to_except_1(output):
+     try:
+         output.append(2)
+     except:
+         e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+         output.append('except' in str(e))
+ no_jump_to_except_1.jump = (2, 3)
+ no_jump_to_except_1.output = [True]
+ def no_jump_to_except_2(output):
+     try:
+         output.append(2)
+     except ValueError:
+         e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+         output.append('except' in str(e))
+ no_jump_to_except_2.jump = (2, 3)
+ no_jump_to_except_2.output = [True]
+ def no_jump_to_except_3(output):
+     try:
+         output.append(2)
+     except ValueError, e:
+         output.append('except' in str(e))
+ no_jump_to_except_3.jump = (2, 3)
+ no_jump_to_except_3.output = [True]
+ def no_jump_to_except_4(output):
+     try:
+         output.append(2)
+     except (ValueError, RuntimeError), e:
+         output.append('except' in str(e))
+ no_jump_to_except_4.jump = (2, 3)
+ no_jump_to_except_4.output = [True]
+ def no_jump_forwards_into_block(output):
+     try:
+         output.append(2)
+         for i in 1, 2:
+             output.append(4)
+     except ValueError, e:
+         output.append('into' in str(e))
+ no_jump_forwards_into_block.jump = (2, 4)
+ no_jump_forwards_into_block.output = [True]
+ def no_jump_backwards_into_block(output):
+     try:
+         for i in 1, 2:
+             output.append(3)
+         output.append(4)
+     except ValueError, e:
+         output.append('into' in str(e))
+ no_jump_backwards_into_block.jump = (4, 3)
+ no_jump_backwards_into_block.output = [3, 3, True]
+ def no_jump_into_finally_block(output):
+     try:
+         try:
+             output.append(3)
+             x = 1
+         finally:
+             output.append(6)
+     except ValueError, e:
+         output.append('finally' in str(e))
+ no_jump_into_finally_block.jump = (4, 6)
+ no_jump_into_finally_block.output = [3, 6, True]  # The 'finally' still runs
+ def no_jump_out_of_finally_block(output):
+     try:
+         try:
+             output.append(3)
+         finally:
+             output.append(5)
+             output.append(6)
+     except ValueError, e:
+         output.append('finally' in str(e))
+ no_jump_out_of_finally_block.jump = (5, 1)
+ no_jump_out_of_finally_block.output = [3, True]
+ # This verifies the line-numbers-must-be-integers rule.
+ def no_jump_to_non_integers(output):
+     try:
+         output.append(2)
+     except ValueError, e:
+         output.append('integer' in str(e))
+ no_jump_to_non_integers.jump = (2, "Spam")
+ no_jump_to_non_integers.output = [True]
+ # This verifies that you can't set f_lineno via _getframe or similar
+ # trickery.
+ def no_jump_without_trace_function():
+     try:
+         previous_frame = sys._getframe().f_back
+         previous_frame.f_lineno = previous_frame.f_lineno
+     except ValueError, e:
+         # This is the exception we wanted; make sure the error message
+         # talks about trace functions.
+         if 'trace' not in str(e):
+             raise
+     else:
+         # Something's wrong - the expected exception wasn't raised.
+         raise RuntimeError, "Trace-function-less jump failed to fail"
+ class JumpTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+     def compare_jump_output(self, expected, received):
+         if received != expected:
+             self.fail( "Outputs don't match:\n" +
+                        "Expected: " + repr(expected) + "\n" +
+                        "Received: " + repr(received))
+     def run_test(self, func):
+         tracer = JumpTracer(func)
+         sys.settrace(tracer.trace)
+         output = []
+         func(output)
+         sys.settrace(None)
+         self.compare_jump_output(func.output, output)
+     def test_01_jump_simple_forwards(self):
+         self.run_test(jump_simple_forwards)
+     def test_02_jump_simple_backwards(self):
+         self.run_test(jump_simple_backwards)
+     def test_03_jump_out_of_block_forwards(self):
+         self.run_test(jump_out_of_block_forwards)
+     def test_04_jump_out_of_block_backwards(self):
+         self.run_test(jump_out_of_block_backwards)
+     def test_05_jump_to_codeless_line(self):
+         self.run_test(jump_to_codeless_line)
+     def test_06_jump_to_same_line(self):
+         self.run_test(jump_to_same_line)
+     def test_07_jump_in_nested_finally(self):
+         self.run_test(jump_in_nested_finally)
+     def test_08_no_jump_too_far_forwards(self):
+         self.run_test(no_jump_too_far_forwards)
+     def test_09_no_jump_too_far_backwards(self):
+         self.run_test(no_jump_too_far_backwards)
+     def test_10_no_jump_to_except_1(self):
+         self.run_test(no_jump_to_except_1)
+     def test_11_no_jump_to_except_2(self):
+         self.run_test(no_jump_to_except_2)
+     def test_12_no_jump_to_except_3(self):
+         self.run_test(no_jump_to_except_3)
+     def test_13_no_jump_to_except_4(self):
+         self.run_test(no_jump_to_except_4)
+     def test_14_no_jump_forwards_into_block(self):
+         self.run_test(no_jump_forwards_into_block)
+     def test_15_no_jump_backwards_into_block(self):
+         self.run_test(no_jump_backwards_into_block)
+     def test_16_no_jump_into_finally_block(self):
+         self.run_test(no_jump_into_finally_block)
+     def test_17_no_jump_out_of_finally_block(self):
+         self.run_test(no_jump_out_of_finally_block)
+     def test_18_no_jump_to_non_integers(self):
+         self.run_test(no_jump_to_non_integers)
+     def test_19_no_jump_without_trace_function(self):
+         no_jump_without_trace_function()
  def test_main():
+     test_support.run_unittest(JumpTestCase)
  if __name__ == "__main__":