[Python-checkins] python/nondist/sandbox/datetime test_both.py,1.80,1.81

tim_one@users.sourceforge.net tim_one@users.sourceforge.net
Sat, 14 Dec 2002 01:01:27 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/datetime
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv27857

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added test of tzinfo-aware datetimetz arithmetic.

Index: test_both.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/datetime/test_both.py,v
retrieving revision 1.80
retrieving revision 1.81
diff -C2 -d -r1.80 -r1.81
*** test_both.py	14 Dec 2002 08:03:14 -0000	1.80
--- test_both.py	14 Dec 2002 09:01:24 -0000	1.81
*** 1864,1867 ****
--- 1864,1935 ----
          self.assertEqual(dt.timetz(), timetz(18, 45, 3, 1234, tzinfo=met))
+     def test_tz_aware_arithmetic(self):
+         import random
+         now = self.theclass.now()
+         tz55 = FixedOffset(-330, "west 5:30")
+         timeaware = timetz(now.hour, now.minute, now.second,
+                            now.microsecond, tzinfo=tz55)
+         nowaware = self.theclass.combine(now.date(), timeaware)
+         self.failUnless(nowaware.tzinfo is tz55)
+         self.assertEqual(nowaware.timetz(), timeaware)
+         # Can't mix aware and non-aware.
+         self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: now - nowaware)
+         self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: nowaware - now)
+         # And adding datetimetz's doesn't make sense, aware or not.
+         self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: now + nowaware)
+         self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: nowaware + now)
+         self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: nowaware + nowaware)
+         # Subtracting should yield 0.
+         self.assertEqual(now - now, timedelta(0))
+         self.assertEqual(nowaware - nowaware, timedelta(0))
+         # Adding a delta should preserve tzinfo.
+         delta = timedelta(weeks=1, minutes=12, microseconds=5678)
+         nowawareplus = nowaware + delta
+         self.failUnless(nowaware.tzinfo is tz55)
+         nowawareplus2 = delta + nowaware
+         self.failUnless(nowawareplus2.tzinfo is tz55)
+         self.assertEqual(nowawareplus, nowawareplus2)
+         # that - delta should be what we started with, and that - what we
+         # started with should be delta.
+         diff = nowawareplus - delta
+         self.failUnless(diff.tzinfo is tz55)
+         self.assertEqual(nowaware, diff)
+         self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: delta - nowawareplus)
+         self.assertEqual(nowawareplus - nowaware, delta)
+         # Make up a random timezone.
+         tzr = FixedOffset(random.randrange(-1439, 1440), "randomtimezone")
+         # Attach it to nowawareplus -- this is clumsy.
+         nowawareplus = self.theclass.combine(nowawareplus.date(),
+                                              timetz(nowawareplus.hour,
+                                                     nowawareplus.minute,
+                                                     nowawareplus.second,
+                                                     nowawareplus.microsecond,
+                                                     tzinfo=tzr))
+         self.failUnless(nowawareplus.tzinfo is tzr)
+         # Make sure the difference takes the timezone adjustments into account.
+         got = nowaware - nowawareplus
+         # Expected:  (nowaware base - nowaware offset) -
+         #            (nowawareplus base - nowawareplus offset) =
+         #            (nowaware base - nowawareplus base) +
+         #            (nowawareplus offset - nowaware offset) =
+         #            -delta + nowawareplus offset - nowaware offset
+         expected = timedelta(minutes=nowawareplus.utcoffset() -
+                                      nowaware.utcoffset()) - delta
+         self.assertEqual(got, expected)
+         # Try max possible difference.
+         min = self.theclass(1, 1, 1, tzinfo=FixedOffset(1439, "min"))
+         max = self.theclass(MAXYEAR, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999,
+                             tzinfo=FixedOffset(-1439, "max"))
+         maxdiff = max - min
+         self.assertEqual(maxdiff, self.theclass.max - self.theclass.min +
+                                   timedelta(minutes=2*1439))
  def test_suite():