[Python-checkins] python/nondist/sandbox/datetime obj_date.c,1.39,1.40 obj_datetime.c,1.37,1.38 obj_delta.c,1.24,1.25 obj_time.c,1.3,1.4

tim_one@users.sourceforge.net tim_one@users.sourceforge.net
Sat, 07 Dec 2002 14:29:48 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/datetime
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv30004

Modified Files:
	obj_date.c obj_datetime.c obj_delta.c obj_time.c 
Log Message:
Added PyDoc_STR() macros.

Index: obj_date.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/datetime/obj_date.c,v
retrieving revision 1.39
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -C2 -d -r1.39 -r1.40
*** obj_date.c	7 Dec 2002 19:51:18 -0000	1.39
--- obj_date.c	7 Dec 2002 22:29:45 -0000	1.40
*** 492,540 ****
  	{"fromtimestamp", (PyCFunction)date_fromtimestamp, METH_VARARGS |
! 	 "timestamp -> local date from a POSIX timestamp (like time.time())."},
  	{"fromordinal", (PyCFunction)date_fromordinal,	METH_VARARGS |
! 	 "int -> date corresponding to a proleptic Gregorian ordinal."},
  	{"today",         (PyCFunction)date_today,	METH_O | METH_CLASS,
! 	 "Current date or datetime:  same as "
! 	 "self.__class__.fromtimestamp(time.time())."},
  	/* Instance methods: */
  	{"ctime",       (PyCFunction)date_ctime,        METH_NOARGS,
! 	 "Return ctime() style string."},
  	{"strftime",   	(PyCFunction)date_strftime,	METH_O,
! 	 "format -> strftime() style string."},
  	{"timetuple",   (PyCFunction)date_timetuple,    METH_NOARGS,
!          "Return time tuple, compatible with time.localtime()."},
  	{"isocalendar", (PyCFunction)date_isocalendar,  METH_NOARGS,
! 	 "Return a 3-tuple containing ISO year, week number, and weekday.\n\n"
! 	 "The first ISO week of the year is the (Mon-Sun) week containing the\n"
! 	 "year's first Thursday; everything else derives from that."},
  	{"isoformat",   (PyCFunction)date_str,  	METH_NOARGS,
! 	 "Return string in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD."},
  	{"isoweekday",  (PyCFunction)date_isoweekday,   METH_NOARGS,
! 	 "Return the day of the week represented by the date.\n"
! 	 "Monday == 1 ... Sunday == 7"},
  	{"toordinal",   (PyCFunction)date_toordinal,    METH_NOARGS,
! 	 "Return proleptic Gregorian ordinal.  January 1 of year 1 is day 1."},
  	{"weekday",     (PyCFunction)date_weekday,      METH_NOARGS,
! 	 "Return the day of the week represented by the date.\n"
! 	 "Monday == 0 ... Sunday == 6"},
  	{"__setstate__", (PyCFunction)date_setstate,	METH_O,
! 	 	PyDoc_STR("__setstate__(state)")},
  	{"__getstate__", (PyCFunction)date_getstate,	METH_NOARGS,
! 	 	PyDoc_STR("__getstate__() -> state")},
--- 492,542 ----
  	{"fromtimestamp", (PyCFunction)date_fromtimestamp, METH_VARARGS |
! 	 PyDoc_STR("timestamp -> local date from a POSIX timestamp (like "
! 	 	   "time.time()).")},
  	{"fromordinal", (PyCFunction)date_fromordinal,	METH_VARARGS |
! 	 PyDoc_STR("int -> date corresponding to a proleptic Gregorian "
! 	 	   "ordinal.")},
  	{"today",         (PyCFunction)date_today,	METH_O | METH_CLASS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("Current date or datetime:  same as "
! 	 	   "self.__class__.fromtimestamp(time.time()).")},
  	/* Instance methods: */
  	{"ctime",       (PyCFunction)date_ctime,        METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("Return ctime() style string.")},
  	{"strftime",   	(PyCFunction)date_strftime,	METH_O,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("format -> strftime() style string.")},
  	{"timetuple",   (PyCFunction)date_timetuple,    METH_NOARGS,
!          PyDoc_STR("Return time tuple, compatible with time.localtime().")},
  	{"isocalendar", (PyCFunction)date_isocalendar,  METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("Return a 3-tuple containing ISO year, week number, and "
! 	 	   "weekday.")},
  	{"isoformat",   (PyCFunction)date_str,  	METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("Return string in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD.")},
  	{"isoweekday",  (PyCFunction)date_isoweekday,   METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("Return the day of the week represented by the date.\n"
! 	 	   "Monday == 1 ... Sunday == 7")},
  	{"toordinal",   (PyCFunction)date_toordinal,    METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("Return proleptic Gregorian ordinal.  January 1 of year "
! 	 	   "1 is day 1.")},
  	{"weekday",     (PyCFunction)date_weekday,      METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("Return the day of the week represented by the date.\n"
! 		   "Monday == 0 ... Sunday == 6")},
  	{"__setstate__", (PyCFunction)date_setstate,	METH_O,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("__setstate__(state)")},
  	{"__getstate__", (PyCFunction)date_getstate,	METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("__getstate__() -> state")},
*** 542,546 ****
  static char date_doc[] =
! "Basic date type.";
  static PyNumberMethods date_as_number = {
--- 544,548 ----
  static char date_doc[] =
! PyDoc_STR("Basic date type.");
  static PyNumberMethods date_as_number = {

Index: obj_datetime.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/datetime/obj_datetime.c,v
retrieving revision 1.37
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -C2 -d -r1.37 -r1.38
*** obj_datetime.c	7 Dec 2002 21:18:38 -0000	1.37
--- obj_datetime.c	7 Dec 2002 22:29:45 -0000	1.38
*** 614,665 ****
  	{"now",         (PyCFunction)datetime_now,
! 	 "Return a new datetime representing local day and time."},
  	{"utcnow",         (PyCFunction)datetime_utcnow,
! 	 "Return a new datetime representing UTC day and time."},
  	{"fromtimestamp", (PyCFunction)datetime_fromtimestamp,
! 	 "timestamp -> local datetime from a POSIX timestamp "
! 	 "(like time.time())."},
  	{"utcfromtimestamp", (PyCFunction)datetime_utcfromtimestamp,
! 	 "timestamp -> UTC datetime from a POSIX timestamp "
! 	 "(like time.time())."},
  	{"combine", (PyCFunction)datetime_combine,
! 	 "date, time -> datetime with same date and time fields"},
  	/* Instance methods: */
  	{"timetuple",   (PyCFunction)datetime_timetuple, METH_NOARGS,
!          "Return time tuple, compatible with time.localtime()."},
  	{"date",   (PyCFunction)datetime_getdate, METH_NOARGS,
!          "Return date object with same year, month and day."},
  	{"time",   (PyCFunction)datetime_gettime, METH_NOARGS,
!          "Return time object with same hour, minute, second and microsecond."},
  	{"ctime",       (PyCFunction)datetime_ctime,	METH_NOARGS,
! 	 "Return ctime() style string."},
  	{"isoformat",   (PyCFunction)datetime_isoformat, METH_KEYWORDS,
! 	 "[sep] -> string in ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm.\n\n"
! 	 "sep is used to separate the year from the time, and defaults\n"
! 	 "to 'T'."},
  	{"__setstate__", (PyCFunction)datetime_setstate, METH_O,
! 	 	PyDoc_STR("__setstate__(state)")},
  	{"__getstate__", (PyCFunction)datetime_getstate, METH_NOARGS,
! 	 	PyDoc_STR("__getstate__() -> state")},
  static char datetime_doc[] =
! "Basic date/time type.";
  static PyNumberMethods datetime_as_number = {
--- 614,668 ----
  	{"now",         (PyCFunction)datetime_now,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("Return a new datetime representing local day and time.")},
  	{"utcnow",         (PyCFunction)datetime_utcnow,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("Return a new datetime representing UTC day and time.")},
  	{"fromtimestamp", (PyCFunction)datetime_fromtimestamp,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("timestamp -> local datetime from a POSIX timestamp "
! 	 	   "(like time.time()).")},
  	{"utcfromtimestamp", (PyCFunction)datetime_utcfromtimestamp,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("timestamp -> UTC datetime from a POSIX timestamp "
! 	 	   "(like time.time()).")},
  	{"combine", (PyCFunction)datetime_combine,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("date, time -> datetime with same date and time fields")},
  	/* Instance methods: */
  	{"timetuple",   (PyCFunction)datetime_timetuple, METH_NOARGS,
!          PyDoc_STR("Return time tuple, compatible with time.localtime().")},
  	{"date",   (PyCFunction)datetime_getdate, METH_NOARGS,
!          PyDoc_STR("Return date object with same year, month and day.")},
  	{"time",   (PyCFunction)datetime_gettime, METH_NOARGS,
!          PyDoc_STR("Return time object with same hour, minute, second and "
!          	   "microsecond.")},
  	{"ctime",       (PyCFunction)datetime_ctime,	METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("Return ctime() style string.")},
  	{"isoformat",   (PyCFunction)datetime_isoformat, METH_KEYWORDS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("[sep] -> string in ISO 8601 format, "
! 	 	   "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm.\n\n"
! 	 	   "sep is used to separate the year from the time, and "
! 	 	   "defaults\n"
! 	 	   "to 'T'.")},
  	{"__setstate__", (PyCFunction)datetime_setstate, METH_O,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("__setstate__(state)")},
  	{"__getstate__", (PyCFunction)datetime_getstate, METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("__getstate__() -> state")},
  static char datetime_doc[] =
! PyDoc_STR("Basic date/time type.");
  static PyNumberMethods datetime_as_number = {

Index: obj_delta.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/datetime/obj_delta.c,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -C2 -d -r1.24 -r1.25
*** obj_delta.c	7 Dec 2002 19:03:15 -0000	1.24
--- obj_delta.c	7 Dec 2002 22:29:45 -0000	1.25
*** 623,628 ****
--- 623,630 ----
  	{"days",         T_LONG, OFFSET(days),         READONLY,
  	 PyDoc_STR("Number of days.")},
  	{"seconds",      T_LONG, OFFSET(seconds),      READONLY,
  	 PyDoc_STR("Number of seconds (>= 0 and less than 1 day).")},
  	{"microseconds", T_LONG, OFFSET(microseconds), READONLY,
  	 PyDoc_STR("Number of microseconds (>= 0 and less than 1 second).")},
*** 632,645 ****
  static PyMethodDef delta_methods[] = {
  	{"__setstate__", (PyCFunction)delta_setstate, METH_O,
! 	 	PyDoc_STR("__setstate__(state)")},
  	{"__reduce__", (PyCFunction)delta_reduce,     METH_NOARGS,
! 		NULL},
  	{"__getstate__", (PyCFunction)delta_getstate, METH_NOARGS,
! 	 	PyDoc_STR("__getstate__() -> state")},
  	{NULL,	NULL},
  static char delta_doc[] =
! "Difference between two datetime values.";
  static PyNumberMethods delta_as_number = {
--- 634,649 ----
  static PyMethodDef delta_methods[] = {
  	{"__setstate__", (PyCFunction)delta_setstate, METH_O,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("__setstate__(state)")},
  	{"__reduce__", (PyCFunction)delta_reduce,     METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("__setstate__(state)")},
  	{"__getstate__", (PyCFunction)delta_getstate, METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("__getstate__() -> state")},
  	{NULL,	NULL},
  static char delta_doc[] =
! PyDoc_STR("Difference between two datetime values.");
  static PyNumberMethods delta_as_number = {

Index: obj_time.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/datetime/obj_time.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** obj_time.c	7 Dec 2002 19:03:15 -0000	1.3
--- obj_time.c	7 Dec 2002 22:29:45 -0000	1.4
*** 260,278 ****
  static PyMethodDef time_methods[] = {
  	{"isoformat",   (PyCFunction)time_isoformat,	METH_KEYWORDS,
! 	 "Return string in ISO 8601 format, HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm."},
  	{"strftime",   	(PyCFunction)time_strftime,	METH_O,
! 	 "format -> strftime() style string."},
  	{"__setstate__", (PyCFunction)time_setstate,	METH_O,
! 	 	PyDoc_STR("__setstate__(state)")},
  	{"__getstate__", (PyCFunction)time_getstate,	METH_NOARGS,
! 	 	PyDoc_STR("__getstate__() -> state")},
  static char time_doc[] =
! "Basic time type.";
  static PyNumberMethods time_as_number = {
--- 260,278 ----
  static PyMethodDef time_methods[] = {
  	{"isoformat",   (PyCFunction)time_isoformat,	METH_KEYWORDS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("Return string in ISO 8601 format, HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm.")},
  	{"strftime",   	(PyCFunction)time_strftime,	METH_O,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("format -> strftime() style string.")},
  	{"__setstate__", (PyCFunction)time_setstate,	METH_O,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("__setstate__(state)")},
  	{"__getstate__", (PyCFunction)time_getstate,	METH_NOARGS,
! 	 PyDoc_STR("__getstate__() -> state")},
  static char time_doc[] =
! PyDoc_STR("Basic time type.");
  static PyNumberMethods time_as_number = {