[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib/test test_pyclbr.py,1.12,1.13

gvanrossum@users.sourceforge.net gvanrossum@users.sourceforge.net
Mon, 02 Dec 2002 06:54:23 -0800

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv3774/test

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Moderately heavy reorganization of pyclbr to fix package-related bugs.

- The _modules cache now uses the full module name.

- The meaning of the (internal!!!) inpackage argument is changed: it
  now is the parent package name, or None.  readmodule() doesn't
  support this argument any more.

- The meaning of the path argument is changed: when inpackage is set,
  the module *must* be found in this path (as is the case for the real
  package search).

- Miscellaneous cleanup, e.g. fixed __all__, changed some comments and
  doc strings, etc.

- Adapted the unit tests to the new semantics (nothing much changed,
  really).  Added some debugging code to the unit tests that print
  helpful extra info to stderr when a test fails (interpreting the
  test failures turned out to be hard without these).

Index: test_pyclbr.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/test_pyclbr.py,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -C2 -d -r1.12 -r1.13
*** test_pyclbr.py	23 Jul 2002 19:03:59 -0000	1.12
--- test_pyclbr.py	2 Dec 2002 14:54:20 -0000	1.13
*** 7,10 ****
--- 7,11 ----
  from types import ClassType, FunctionType, MethodType
  import pyclbr
+ from unittest import TestCase
  # This next line triggers an error on old versions of pyclbr.
*** 19,32 ****
  # members to ignore.
! class PyclbrTest(unittest.TestCase):
      def assertListEq(self, l1, l2, ignore):
          ''' succeed iff {l1} - {ignore} == {l2} - {ignore} '''
!         for p1, p2 in (l1, l2), (l2, l1):
!             for item in p1:
!                 ok = (item in p2) or (item in ignore)
!                 if not ok:
!                     self.fail("%r missing" % item)
      def assertHasattr(self, obj, attr, ignore):
--- 20,36 ----
  # members to ignore.
! class PyclbrTest(TestCase):
      def assertListEq(self, l1, l2, ignore):
          ''' succeed iff {l1} - {ignore} == {l2} - {ignore} '''
!         try:
!             for p1, p2 in (l1, l2), (l2, l1):
!                 for item in p1:
!                     ok = (item in p2) or (item in ignore)
!                     if not ok:
!                         self.fail("%r missing" % item)
!         except:
!             print >>sys.stderr, "l1=%r, l2=%r, ignore=%r" % (l1, l2, ignore)
!             raise
      def assertHasattr(self, obj, attr, ignore):
*** 41,45 ****
          ''' succeed iff obj.has_key(key) or key in ignore. '''
          if key in ignore: return
!         if not obj.has_key(key): print "***",key
--- 45,50 ----
          ''' succeed iff obj.has_key(key) or key in ignore. '''
          if key in ignore: return
!         if not obj.has_key(key):
!             print >>sys.stderr, "***",key
*** 57,61 ****
          if module == None:
!             module = __import__(moduleName, globals(), {}, [])
          dict = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(moduleName)
--- 62,68 ----
          if module == None:
!             # Import it.
!             # ('<silly>' is to work around an API silliness in __import__)
!             module = __import__(moduleName, globals(), {}, ['<silly>'])
          dict = pyclbr.readmodule_ex(moduleName)
*** 75,79 ****
                                   for base in value.super ]
!                 self.assertListEq(real_bases, pyclbr_bases, ignore)
                  actualMethods = []
--- 82,90 ----
                                   for base in value.super ]
!                 try:
!                     self.assertListEq(real_bases, pyclbr_bases, ignore)
!                 except:
!                     print >>sys.stderr, "class=%s" % py_item
!                     raise
                  actualMethods = []
*** 95,102 ****
          # Now check for missing stuff.
          for name in dir(module):
              item = getattr(module, name)
!             if type(item) in (ClassType, FunctionType):
!                 self.assertHaskey(dict, name, ignore)
      def test_easy(self):
--- 106,120 ----
          # Now check for missing stuff.
+         def defined_in(item, module):
+             if isinstance(item, ClassType):
+                 return item.__module__ == module.__name__
+             if isinstance(item, FunctionType):
+                 return item.func_globals is module.__dict__
+             return False
          for name in dir(module):
              item = getattr(module, name)
!             if isinstance(item,  (ClassType, FunctionType)):
!                 if defined_in(item, module):
!                     self.assertHaskey(dict, name, ignore)
      def test_easy(self):
*** 137,142 ****
!         cm('test.test_pyclbr',
!            module=sys.modules[__name__])
          # pydoc doesn't work because of string issues
--- 155,162 ----
!         # Tests for modules inside packages
!         cm('email.Parser')
!         cm('test.test_pyclbr', ignore=('defined_in',))
          # pydoc doesn't work because of string issues