[Python-checkins] python/nondist/sandbox/spambayes splitn.py,NONE,1.1

tim_one@users.sourceforge.net tim_one@users.sourceforge.net
Fri, 23 Aug 2002 08:17:44 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/spambayes
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv25755

Added Files:
Log Message:
Utility to split an mbox into N random pieces in one gulp.  This gives
a convenient way to break a giant corpus into multiple files that can
then be used independently across multiple training and testing runs.
It's important to do multiple runs on different random samples to avoid
drawing conclusions based on accidents in a single random training corpus;
if the algorithm is robust, it should have similar performance across
all runs.

--- NEW FILE: splitn.py ---
#! /usr/bin/env python

"""Split an mbox into N random mboxes.

Usage: %(program)s [-h] [-s seed] [-v] -n N sourcembox outfilebase

    -h / --help
        Print this help message and exit

    -s seed
        Seed the random number generator with seed (an integer).
        By default, use system time at startup to seed.

        Verbose.  Displays a period for each 100 messages parsed.
        May display other stuff.

    -n N
        The number of output mboxes desired.  This is required.

        The mbox to split.

        The base path + name prefix for each of the N output files.
        Output mboxes have names of the form
            outfilebase + ("%%d.mbox" %% i)

    %(program)s -s 123 -n5 spam.mbox rspam

produces 5 mboxes, named rspam1.mbox through rspam5.mbox.  Each contains
a random selection of the messages in spam.mbox, and together they contain
every message in spam.mbox exactly once.  Each has approximately the same
number of messages.  spam.mbox is not altered.  In addition, the seed for
the random number generator is forced to 123, so that while the split is
random, it's reproducible.

import sys
import random
import mailbox
import email
import getopt

program = sys.argv[0]

def usage(code, msg=''):
    print >> sys.stderr, __doc__ % globals()
    if msg:
        print >> sys.stderr, msg

def _factory(fp):
        return email.message_from_file(fp)
    except email.Errors.MessageParseError:
        return None

def main():
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hn:s:v', ['help'])
    except getopt.error, msg:
        usage(1, msg)

    n = None
    verbose = False
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
        elif opt == '-s':
        elif opt == '-n':
            n = int(arg)
        elif opt == '-v':
            verbose = True

    if n is None or n <= 1:
        usage(1, "an -n value > 1 is required")

    if len(args) != 2:
        usage(1, "input mbox name and output base path are required")
    inputpath, outputbasepath = args

    infile = file(inputpath, 'rb')
    outfiles = [file(outputbasepath + ("%d.mbox" % i), 'wb')
                for i in range(1, n+1)]

    mbox = mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(infile, _factory)
    counter = 0
    for msg in mbox:
        i = random.randrange(n)
        astext = str(msg)
        assert astext.endswith('\n')
        counter += 1
        if verbose:
            if counter % 100 == 0:
                print '.',

    if verbose:
        print counter, "messages split into", n, "files"
    for f in outfiles:

if __name__ == '__main__':