[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Lib/test tf_inherit_check.py,1.1,1.2 test_tempfile.py,1.6,1.7

gvanrossum@users.sourceforge.net gvanrossum@users.sourceforge.net
Sat, 17 Aug 2002 04:41:04 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv15933

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Log Message:
Patch by Zack W to make test_noinherit() more robust: spawn a Python
subprocess that does the right checks.  This now works on Windows as

Index: test_tempfile.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/test_tempfile.py,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** test_tempfile.py	16 Aug 2002 19:28:59 -0000	1.6
--- test_tempfile.py	17 Aug 2002 11:41:01 -0000	1.7
*** 18,21 ****
--- 18,22 ----
  has_textmode = (tempfile._text_openflags != tempfile._bin_openflags)
+ has_spawnl = hasattr(os, 'spawnl')
  # TEST_FILES may need to be tweaked for systems depending on the maximum
*** 324,360 ****
      def test_noinherit(self):
          """_mkstemp_inner file handles are not inherited by child processes"""
!         # FIXME: Find a way to test this on Windows.
!         if os.name != 'posix':
              return            # ugh, can't use TestSkipped.
!         file = self.do_create()
!         # We have to exec something, so that FD_CLOEXEC will take
!         # effect.  The sanest thing to try is /bin/sh; we can easily
!         # instruct it to attempt to write to the fd and report success
!         # or failure.  Unfortunately, sh syntax does not permit use of
!         # fds numerically larger than 9; abandon this test if so.
!         if file.fd > 9:
!             raise test_support.TestSkipped, 'cannot test with fd %d' % file.fd
!         pid = os.fork()
!         if pid:
!             status = os.wait()[1]
!             self.failUnless(os.WIFEXITED(status),
!                             "child process did not exit (status %d)" % status)
!             # We want the child to have exited _un_successfully, indicating
!             # failure to write to the closed fd.
!             self.failUnless(os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0,
!                             "child process exited successfully")
!         else:
!             try:
!                 # Throw away stderr.
!                 nul = os.open('/dev/null', os.O_RDWR)
!                 os.dup2(nul, 2)
!                 os.execv('/bin/sh', ['sh', '-c', 'echo blat >&%d' % file.fd])
!             except:
!                 os._exit(0)
      def test_textmode(self):
--- 325,355 ----
      def test_noinherit(self):
          """_mkstemp_inner file handles are not inherited by child processes"""
!         if not has_spawnl:
              return            # ugh, can't use TestSkipped.
!         if test_support.verbose:
!             v="v"
!         else:
!             v="q"
!         file = self.do_create()
!         fd = "%d" % file.fd
!         try:
!             me = __file__
!         except NameError:
!             me = sys.argv[0]
!         # We have to exec something, so that FD_CLOEXEC will take
!         # effect.  The core of this test is therefore in
!         # tf_inherit_check.py, which see.
!         tester = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(me)),
!                               "tf_inherit_check.py")
!         retval = os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, sys.executable,
!                            sys.executable, tester, v, fd)
!         self.failIf(retval < 0,
!                     "child process caught fatal signal %d" % -retval)
!         self.failIf(retval > 0, "child process reports failure")
      def test_textmode(self):