[Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Doc/api newtypes.tex,1.6,1.7

fdrake@sourceforge.net fdrake@sourceforge.net
Fri, 12 Apr 2002 15:47:20 -0700

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Doc/api
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Integrate a bunch of new text from Guido.

Index: newtypes.tex
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Doc/api/newtypes.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** newtypes.tex	9 Apr 2002 21:22:07 -0000	1.6
--- newtypes.tex	12 Apr 2002 22:47:18 -0000	1.7
*** 189,198 ****
- Typedefs:
- unaryfunc, binaryfunc, ternaryfunc, inquiry, coercion, intargfunc,
- intintargfunc, intobjargproc, intintobjargproc, objobjargproc,
- destructor, printfunc, getattrfunc, getattrofunc, setattrfunc,
- setattrofunc, cmpfunc, reprfunc, hashfunc
    Type of the functions used to implement most Python callables in C.
--- 189,192 ----
*** 310,313 ****
--- 304,569 ----
    use the \cfunction{PyObject_GenericGetAttr()} function.
+ \section{Type Objects \label{type-structs}}
+ Perhaps one of the most important structures of the Python object
+ system is the structure that defines a new type: the
+ \ctype{PyTypeObject} structure.  Type objects can be handled using any
+ of the \cfunction{PyObject_*()} or \cfunction{PyType_*()} functions,
+ but do not offer much that's interesting to most Python applications.
+ These objects are fundamental to how objects behave, so they are very
+ important to the interpreter itself and to any extension module that
+ implements new types.
+ Type objects are fairly large compared to most of the standard types.
+ The reason for the size is that each type object stores a large number
+ of values, mostly C function pointers, each of which implements a
+ small part of the type's functionality.  The fields of the type object
+ are examined in detail in this section.  The fields will be described
+ in the order in which they occur in the structure.
+ Typedefs:
+ unaryfunc, binaryfunc, ternaryfunc, inquiry, coercion, intargfunc,
+ intintargfunc, intobjargproc, intintobjargproc, objobjargproc,
+ destructor, freefunc, printfunc, getattrfunc, getattrofunc, setattrfunc,
+ setattrofunc, cmpfunc, reprfunc, hashfunc
+ The structure definition for \ctype{PyTypeObject} can be found in
+ \file{Include/object.h}.  For convenience of reference, this repeats
+ the definition found there:
+ \verbatiminput{typestruct.h}
+ The type object structure extends the \ctype{PyVarObject} structure,
+ though it does not actually need the the \member{ob_size} field.  The
+ inclusion of this field is a historical accident that must be
+ maintained to ensure binary compatibility between new versions of
+ Python and older compiled extensions.
+ \begin{cmemberdesc}{PyObject}{PyObject*}{_ob_next}
+ \cmemberline{PyObject}{PyObject*}{_ob_prev}
+   These fields are only present when the macro \code{Py_TRACE_REFS} is
+   defined.  Their initialization to \NULL{} is taken care of by the
+   \code{PyObject_HEAD_INIT} macro.  For statically allocated objects,
+   these fields always remain \NULL.  For dynamically allocated
+   objects, these two fields are used to link the object into a
+   doubly-linked list of \emph{all} live objects on the heap.  This
+   could be used for various debugging purposes; currently the only use
+   is to print the objects that are still alive at the end of a run
+   when the environment variable \envvar{PYTHONDUMPREFS} is set.
+   These fields are not inherited by subtypes.
+ \end{cmemberdesc}
+ \begin{cmemberdesc}{PyObject}{int}{ob_refcnt}
+   This is the type object's reference count, initialized to \code{1}
+   by the \code{PyObject_HEAD_INIT} macro.  Note that for statically
+   allocated type objects, the type's instances (objects whose
+   \member{ob_type} points back to the type) do \emph{not} count as
+   references.  But for dynamically allocated type objects, the
+   instances \emph{do} count as references.
+   This field is not inherited by subtypes.
+ \end{cmemberdesc}
+ \begin{cmemberdesc}{PyObject}{PyTypeObject*}{ob_type}
+   This is the type's type, in other words its metatype.  It is
+   initialized by the argument to the \code{PyObject_HEAD_INIT} macro,
+   and its value should normally be \code{\&PyType_Type}.  However, for
+   dynamically loadable extension modules that must be usable on
+   Windows (at least), the compiler complains that this is not a valid
+   initializer.  Therefore, the convention is to pass \NULL{} to the
+   \code{PyObject_HEAD_INIT} macro and to initialize this field
+   explicitly at the start of the module's initialization function,
+   before doing anything else.  This is typically done like this:
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ Foo_Type.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
+ \end{verbatim}
+   This should be done before any instances of the type are created.
+   \cfunction{PyType_Ready()} checks if \member{ob_type} is \NULL, and
+   if so, initializes it: in Python 2.2, it is set to
+   \code{\&PyType_Type}; in Python 2.2.1 and later it will be
+   initialized to the \member{ob_type} field of the base class.
+   \cfunction{PyType_Ready()} will not change this field if it is
+   nonzero.
+   In Python 2.2, this field is not inherited by subtypes.  In 2.2.1,
+   and in 2.3 and beyond, it is inherited by subtypes.
+ \end{cmemberdesc}
+ \begin{cmemberdesc}{PyVarObject}{int}{ob_size}
+   For statically allocated type objects, this should be initialized
+   to zero.  For dynamically allocated type objects, this field has a
+   special internal meaning.
+   This field is not inherited by subtypes.
+ \end{cmemberdesc}
+ \begin{cmemberdesc}{PyTypeObject}{char*}{tp_name}
+   Pointer to a NUL-terminated string containing the name of the type.
+   For types that are accessible as module globals, the string should
+   be the full module name, followed by a dot, followed by the type
+   name; for built-in types, it should be just the type name.  If the
+   module is a submodule of a package, the full package name is part of
+   the full module name.  For example, a type named \class{T} defined
+   in module \module{M} in subpackage \module{Q} in package \module{P}
+   should have the \member{tp_name} initializer \code{"P.Q.M.T"}.
+   For dynamically allocated type objects, this may be just the type
+   name, if the module name is explicitly stored in the type dict as
+   the value for key \code{'__module__'}.
+   If the tp_name field contains a dot, everything before the last dot
+   is made accessible as the \member{__module__} attribute, and
+   everything after the last dot is made accessible as the
+   \member{__name__} attribute.  If no dot is present, the entire
+   \member{tp_name} field is made accessible as the \member{__name__}
+   attribute, and the \member{__module__} attribute is undefined
+   (unless explicitly set in the dictionary, as explained above).
+   This field is not inherited by subtypes.
+ \end{cmemberdesc}
+ \begin{cmemberdesc}{PyTypeObject}{int}{tp_basicsize}
+ \cmemberline{PyTypeObject}{int}{tp_itemsize}
+   These fields allow calculating the size in byte of instances of
+   the type.
+   There are two kinds of types: types with fixed-length instances have
+   a zero \member{tp_itemsize} field, types with variable-length
+   instances have a non-zero \member{tp_itemsize} field.  For a type
+   with fixed-length instances, all instances have the same size,
+   given in \member{tp_basicsize}.
+   For a type with variable-length instances, the instances must have
+   an \member{ob_size} field, and the instance size is
+   \member{tp_basicsize} plus N times \member{tp_itemsize}, where N is
+   the ``length'' of the object.  The value of N is typically stored in
+   the instance's \member{ob_size} field.  There are exceptions:  for
+   example, long ints use a negative \member{ob_size} to indicate a
+   negative number, and N is \code{abs(\member{ob_size})} there.  Also,
+   the presence of an \member{ob_size} field in the instance layout
+   doesn't mean that the type is variable-length (for example, the list
+   type has fixed-length instances, yet those instances have a
+   meaningful \member{ob_size} field).
+   The basic size includes the fields in the instance declared by the
+   macro \csimplemacro{PyObject_HEAD} or
+   \csimplemacro{PyObject_VAR_HEAD} (whichever is used to declare the
+   instance struct) and this in turn includes the \member{_ob_prev} and
+   \member{_ob_next} fields if they are present.  This means that the
+   only correct way to get an initializer for the \member{tp_basicsize}
+   is to use the \keyword{sizeof} operator on the struct used to
+   declare the instance layout.  The basic size does not include the GC
+   header size (this is new in Python 2.2; in 2.1 and 2.0, the GC
+   header size was included in \member{tp_basicsize}).
+   These fields are inherited by subtypes.
+ \end{cmemberdesc}
+ \begin{cmemberdesc}{PyTypeObject}{destructor}{tp_dealloc}
+   A pointer to the instance destructor function.  This function must
+   be defined unless the type guarantees that its instances will never
+   be deallocated (as is the case for the singletons \code{None} and
+   \code{Ellipsis}).
+   The destructor function is called by the \cfunction{Py_DECREF()} and
+   \cfunction{Py_XDECREF()} macros when the new reference count is
+   zero.  At this point, the instance is still in existance, but there
+   are no references to it.  The destructor function should free all
+   references which the instance owns, free all memory buffers owned by
+   the instance (using the freeing function corresponding to the
+   allocation function used to allocate the buffer), and finally (as
+   its last action) call the type's \member{tp_free} slot.  If the type
+   is not subtypable (doesn't have the \constant{Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE}
+   flag bit set), it is permissible to call the object deallocator
+   directly instead of via \member{tp_free}.  The object deallocator
+   should be the one used to allocate the instance; this is normally
+   \cfunction{PyObject_Del()} if the instance was allocated using
+   \cfunction{PyObject_New()} or \cfunction{PyOject_VarNew()}, or
+   \cfunction{PyObject_GC_Del()} if the instance was allocated using
+   \cfunction{PyObject_GC_New()} or \cfunction{PyObject_GC_VarNew()}.
+   This field is inherited by subtypes.
+ \end{cmemberdesc}
+ \begin{cmemberdesc}{PyTypeObject}{printfunc}{tp_print}
+   An optional pointer to the instance print function.
+   The print function is only called when the instance is printed to a
+   \emph{real} file; when it is printed to a pseudo-file (like a
+   \class{StringIO} instance), the instance's \member{tp_repr} or
+   \member{tp_str} function is called to convert it to a string.  These
+   are also called when the type's \member{tp_print} field is \NULL.
+   The print function is called with the same signature as
+   \cfunction{PyObject_Print()}: \code{tp_print(PyObject *self, FILE
+   *file, int flags)}.  The \var{self} argument is the instance to be
+   printed.  The \var{file} argument is the stdio file to which it is
+   to be printed.  The \var{flags} argument is composed of flag bits.
+   The only flag bit currently defined is \constant{Py_PRINT_RAW}.
+   When the \constant{Py_PRINT_RAW} flag bit is set, the instance
+   should be printed the same way as \member{tp_str} would format it;
+   when the \constant{Py_PRINT_RAW} flag bit is clear, the instance
+   should be printed the same was as \member{tp_repr} would format it.
+   It is possible that the \member{tp_print} field will be deprecated.
+   In any case, it is recommended not to define \member{tp_print}, but
+   instead to rely on \member{tp_repr} and \member{tp_str} for
+   printing.
+   This field is inherited by subtypes.
+ \end{cmemberdesc}
+ \begin{cmemberdesc}{PyTypeObject}{getattrfunc}{tp_getattr}
+   An optional pointer to the get-attribute-string function.
+   This field is deprecated.  When it is defined, it should point to a
+   function that acts the same as the \member{tp_getattro} function,
+   but taking a C string instead of a Python string object to give the
+   attribute name.  The signature is the same as for
+   \cfunction{PyObject_GetAttrString()}.
+   This field is inherited by subtypes together with
+   \member{tp_getattro}: a subtype inherits both \member{tp_getattr}
+   and \member{tp_getattro} from its base type when the subtype's
+   \member{tp_getattr} and \member{tp_getattro} are both \NULL.
+ \end{cmemberdesc}
+ \begin{cmemberdesc}{PyTypeObject}{setattrfunc}{tp_setattr}
+   An optional pointer to the set-attribute-string function.
+   This field is deprecated.  When it is defined, it should point to a
+   function that acts the same as the \member{tp_setattro} function,
+   but taking a C string instead of a Python string object to give the
+   attribute name.  The signature is the same as for
+   \cfunction{PyObject_SetAttrString()}.
+   This field is inherited by subtypes together with
+   \member{tp_setattro}: a subtype inherits both \member{tp_setattr}
+   and \member{tp_setattro} from its base type when the subtype's
+   \member{tp_setattr} and \member{tp_setattro} are both \NULL.
+ \end{cmemberdesc}
+ \begin{cmemberdesc}{PyTypeObject}{cmpfunc}{tp_compare}
+   An optional pointer to the three-way comparison function.
+   The signature is the same as for \cfunction{PyObject_Compare()}.
+   The function should return \code{1} if \var{self} greater than
+   \var{other}, \code{0} if \var{self} is equal to \var{other}, and
+   \code{-1} if \var{self} less than \var{other}.  It should return
+   \code{-1} and set an exception condition when an error occurred
+   during the comparison.
+   This field is inherited by subtypes together with
+   \member{tp_richcompare} and \member{tp_hash}: a subtypes inherits
+   all three of \member{tp_compare}, \member{tp_richcompare}, and
+   \member{tp_hash} when the subtype's \member{tp_compare},
+   \member{tp_richcompare}, and \member{tp_hash} are all \NULL.
+ \end{cmemberdesc}