[Python-checkins] CVS: python/dist/src/Tools/idle pyclbr.py,1.1,1.2

Guido van Rossum guido@cnri.reston.va.us
Tue, 15 Feb 2000 13:31:00 -0500 (EST)

Update of /projects/cvsroot/python/dist/src/Tools/idle
In directory eric:/projects/python/develop/guido/src/Tools/idle

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Oops, somehow the initial checkin was botched. :-(

Index: pyclbr.py
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/python/dist/src/Tools/idle/pyclbr.py,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1 -r1.2
*** pyclbr.py	2000/02/15 18:20:01	1.1
--- pyclbr.py	2000/02/15 18:30:58	1.2
*** 0 ****
--- 1,336 ----
+ """Parse a Python file and retrieve classes and methods.
+ Parse enough of a Python file to recognize class and method
+ definitions and to find out the superclasses of a class.
+ The interface consists of a single function:
+ 	readmodule(module, path)
+ module is the name of a Python module, path is an optional list of
+ directories where the module is to be searched.  If present, path is
+ prepended to the system search path sys.path.
+ The return value is a dictionary.  The keys of the dictionary are
+ the names of the classes defined in the module (including classes
+ that are defined via the from XXX import YYY construct).  The values
+ are class instances of the class Class defined here.
+ A class is described by the class Class in this module.  Instances
+ of this class have the following instance variables:
+ 	name -- the name of the class
+ 	super -- a list of super classes (Class instances)
+ 	methods -- a dictionary of methods
+ 	file -- the file in which the class was defined
+ 	lineno -- the line in the file on which the class statement occurred
+ The dictionary of methods uses the method names as keys and the line
+ numbers on which the method was defined as values.
+ If the name of a super class is not recognized, the corresponding
+ entry in the list of super classes is not a class instance but a
+ string giving the name of the super class.  Since import statements
+ are recognized and imported modules are scanned as well, this
+ shouldn't happen often.
+ - Continuation lines are not dealt with at all.
+ - While triple-quoted strings won't confuse it, lines that look like
+   def, class, import or "from ... import" stmts inside backslash-continued
+   single-quoted strings are treated like code.  The expense of stopping
+   that isn't worth it.
+ - Code that doesn't pass tabnanny or python -t will confuse it, unless
+   you set the module TABWIDTH vrbl (default 8) to the correct tab width
+   for the file.
+ - If you have a package and a module inside that or another package
+   with the same name, module caching doesn't work properly since the
+   key is the base name of the module/package.
+ - The only entry that is returned when you readmodule a package is a
+   __path__ whose value is a list which confuses certain class browsers.
+ - When code does:
+   from package import subpackage
+   class MyClass(subpackage.SuperClass):
+     ...
+   It can't locate the parent.  It probably needs to have the same
+   hairy logic that the import locator already does.  (This logic
+   exists coded in Python in the freeze package.)
+ """
+ import os
+ import sys
+ import imp
+ import re
+ import string
+ _getnext = re.compile(r"""
+     (?P<String>
+        \""" [^"\\]* (?:
+ 			(?: \\. | "(?!"") )
+ 			[^"\\]*
+ 		    )*
+        \"""
+     |   ''' [^'\\]* (?:
+ 			(?: \\. | '(?!'') )
+ 			[^'\\]*
+ 		    )*
+ 	'''
+     )
+ |   (?P<Method>
+ 	^
+ 	(?P<MethodIndent> [ \t]* )
+ 	def [ \t]+
+ 	(?P<MethodName> [a-zA-Z_] \w* )
+ 	[ \t]* \(
+     )
+ |   (?P<Class>
+ 	^
+ 	(?P<ClassIndent> [ \t]* )
+ 	class [ \t]+
+ 	(?P<ClassName> [a-zA-Z_] \w* )
+ 	[ \t]*
+ 	(?P<ClassSupers> \( [^)\n]* \) )?
+ 	[ \t]* :
+     )
+ |   (?P<Import>
+ 	^ import [ \t]+
+ 	(?P<ImportList> [^#;\n]+ )
+     )
+ |   (?P<ImportFrom>
+ 	^ from [ \t]+
+ 	(?P<ImportFromPath>
+ 	    [a-zA-Z_] \w*
+ 	    (?:
+ 		[ \t]* \. [ \t]* [a-zA-Z_] \w*
+ 	    )*
+ 	)
+ 	[ \t]+
+ 	import [ \t]+
+ 	(?P<ImportFromList> [^#;\n]+ )
+     )
+ """, re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE).search
+ _modules = {}                           # cache of modules we've seen
+ # each Python class is represented by an instance of this class
+ class Class:
+ 	'''Class to represent a Python class.'''
+ 	def __init__(self, module, name, super, file, lineno):
+ 		self.module = module
+ 		self.name = name
+ 		if super is None:
+ 			super = []
+ 		self.super = super
+ 		self.methods = {}
+ 		self.file = file
+ 		self.lineno = lineno
+ 	def _addmethod(self, name, lineno):
+ 		self.methods[name] = lineno
+ class Function(Class):
+ 	'''Class to represent a top-level Python function'''
+ 	def __init__(self, module, name, file, lineno):
+ 		Class.__init__(self, module, name, None, file, lineno)
+ 	def _addmethod(self, name, lineno):
+ 		assert 0, "Function._addmethod() shouldn't be called"
+ def readmodule(module, path=[], inpackage=0):
+ 	'''Backwards compatible interface.
+ 	Like readmodule_ex() but strips Function objects from the
+ 	resulting dictionary.'''
+ 	dict = readmodule_ex(module, path, inpackage)
+ 	res = {}
+ 	for key, value in dict.items():
+ 		if not isinstance(value, Function):
+ 			res[key] = value
+ 	return res
+ def readmodule_ex(module, path=[], inpackage=0):
+ 	'''Read a module file and return a dictionary of classes.
+ 	Search for MODULE in PATH and sys.path, read and parse the
+ 	module and return a dictionary with one entry for each class
+ 	found in the module.'''
+ 	dict = {}
+ 	i = string.rfind(module, '.')
+ 	if i >= 0:
+ 		# Dotted module name
+ 		package = string.strip(module[:i])
+ 		submodule = string.strip(module[i+1:])
+ 		parent = readmodule(package, path, inpackage)
+ 		child = readmodule(submodule, parent['__path__'], 1)
+ 		return child
+ 	if _modules.has_key(module):
+ 		# we've seen this module before...
+ 		return _modules[module]
+ 	if module in sys.builtin_module_names:
+ 		# this is a built-in module
+ 		_modules[module] = dict
+ 		return dict
+ 	# search the path for the module
+ 	f = None
+ 	if inpackage:
+ 		try:
+ 			f, file, (suff, mode, type) = \
+ 				imp.find_module(module, path)
+ 		except ImportError:
+ 			f = None
+ 	if f is None:
+ 		fullpath = list(path) + sys.path
+ 		f, file, (suff, mode, type) = imp.find_module(module, fullpath)
+ 	if type == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
+ 		dict['__path__'] = [file]
+ 		_modules[module] = dict
+ 		path = [file] + path
+ 		f, file, (suff, mode, type) = \
+ 				imp.find_module('__init__', [file])
+ 	if type != imp.PY_SOURCE:
+ 		# not Python source, can't do anything with this module
+ 		f.close()
+ 		_modules[module] = dict
+ 		return dict
+ 	_modules[module] = dict
+ 	imports = []
+ 	classstack = []	# stack of (class, indent) pairs
+ 	src = f.read()
+ 	f.close()
+ 	# To avoid having to stop the regexp at each newline, instead
+ 	# when we need a line number we simply string.count the number of
+ 	# newlines in the string since the last time we did this; i.e.,
+ 	#    lineno = lineno + \
+ 	#             string.count(src, '\n', last_lineno_pos, here)
+ 	#    last_lineno_pos = here
+ 	countnl = string.count
+ 	lineno, last_lineno_pos = 1, 0
+ 	i = 0
+ 	while 1:
+ 		m = _getnext(src, i)
+ 		if not m:
+ 			break
+ 		start, i = m.span()
+ 		if m.start("Method") >= 0:
+ 			# found a method definition or function
+ 			thisindent = _indent(m.group("MethodIndent"))
+ 			meth_name = m.group("MethodName")
+ 			lineno = lineno + \
+ 				 countnl(src, '\n',
+ 					 last_lineno_pos, start)
+ 			last_lineno_pos = start
+ 			# close all classes indented at least as much
+ 			while classstack and \
+ 			      classstack[-1][1] >= thisindent:
+ 				del classstack[-1]
+ 			if classstack:
+ 				# it's a class method
+ 				cur_class = classstack[-1][0]
+ 				cur_class._addmethod(meth_name, lineno)
+ 			else:
+ 				# it's a function
+ 				f = Function(module, meth_name,
+ 					     file, lineno)
+ 				dict[meth_name] = f
+ 		elif m.start("String") >= 0:
+ 			pass
+ 		elif m.start("Class") >= 0:
+ 			# we found a class definition
+ 			thisindent = _indent(m.group("ClassIndent"))
+ 			# close all classes indented at least as much
+ 			while classstack and \
+ 			      classstack[-1][1] >= thisindent:
+ 				del classstack[-1]
+ 			lineno = lineno + \
+ 				 countnl(src, '\n', last_lineno_pos, start)
+ 			last_lineno_pos = start
+ 			class_name = m.group("ClassName")
+ 			inherit = m.group("ClassSupers")
+ 			if inherit:
+ 				# the class inherits from other classes
+ 				inherit = string.strip(inherit[1:-1])
+ 				names = []
+ 				for n in string.splitfields(inherit, ','):
+ 					n = string.strip(n)
+ 					if dict.has_key(n):
+ 						# we know this super class
+ 						n = dict[n]
+ 					else:
+ 						c = string.splitfields(n, '.')
+ 						if len(c) > 1:
+ 							# super class
+ 							# is of the
+ 							# form module.class:
+ 							# look in
+ 							# module for class
+ 							m = c[-2]
+ 							c = c[-1]
+ 							if _modules.has_key(m):
+ 								d = _modules[m]
+ 								if d.has_key(c):
+ 									n = d[c]
+ 					names.append(n)
+ 				inherit = names
+ 			# remember this class
+ 			cur_class = Class(module, class_name, inherit,
+ 					  file, lineno)
+ 			dict[class_name] = cur_class
+ 			classstack.append((cur_class, thisindent))
+ 		elif m.start("Import") >= 0:
+ 			# import module
+ 			for n in string.split(m.group("ImportList"), ','):
+ 				n = string.strip(n)
+ 				try:
+ 					# recursively read the imported module
+ 					d = readmodule(n, path, inpackage)
+ 				except:
+ 					##print 'module', n, 'not found'
+ 					pass
+ 		elif m.start("ImportFrom") >= 0:
+ 			# from module import stuff
+ 			mod = m.group("ImportFromPath")
+ 			names = string.split(m.group("ImportFromList"), ',')
+ 			try:
+ 				# recursively read the imported module
+ 				d = readmodule(mod, path, inpackage)
+ 			except:
+ 				##print 'module', mod, 'not found'
+ 				continue
+ 			# add any classes that were defined in the
+ 			# imported module to our name space if they
+ 			# were mentioned in the list
+ 			for n in names:
+ 				n = string.strip(n)
+ 				if d.has_key(n):
+ 					dict[n] = d[n]
+ 				elif n == '*':
+ 					# only add a name if not
+ 					# already there (to mimic what
+ 					# Python does internally)
+ 					# also don't add names that
+ 					# start with _
+ 					for n in d.keys():
+ 						if n[0] != '_' and \
+ 						   not dict.has_key(n):
+ 							dict[n] = d[n]
+ 		else:
+ 			assert 0, "regexp _getnext found something unexpected"
+ 	return dict
+ def _indent(ws, _expandtabs=string.expandtabs):
+ 	return len(_expandtabs(ws, TABWIDTH))