[Python-checkins] CVS: distutils/distutils dist.py,1.4,1.5

Greg Ward python-dev@python.org
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 22:28:19 -0400 (EDT)

Update of /projects/cvsroot/distutils/distutils
In directory newcnri:/tmp/cvs-serv17001/distutils

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Patch, originally from Bastian Kleineidam and savagely mutilated by me,
to add the "display metadata" options: --name, --version, --author,
and so forth.  Main changes:
  * added 'display_options' class attribute to list all the "display only"
    options (--help-commands plus the metadata options)
  * added DistributionMetadata class as a place to put the actual
    metadata information from the setup script (not to be confused with
    the metadata display options); the logic dealing with metadata
    (eg. return self.name or "UNKNOWN") is now  in this class
  * changed 'parse_command_line()' to use the new OO interface provided
    by fancy_getopt, mainly so we can get at the original order of
    options on the command line, so we can print multiple lines of
    distribution meta-data in the order specified by the user
  * added 'handle_display_options()' to handle display-only options
Also fixed some crufty old comments/docstrings.

Index: dist.py
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/distutils/distutils/dist.py,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -r1.4 -r1.5
*** dist.py	2000/04/15 22:15:07	1.4
--- dist.py	2000/04/21 02:28:14	1.5
*** 7,11 ****
  # (extricated from core.py; actually dates back to the beginning)
! __revision__ = "$Id: dist.py,v 1.4 2000/04/15 22:15:07 gward Exp $"
  import sys, string, re
--- 7,11 ----
  # (extricated from core.py; actually dates back to the beginning)
! __revision__ = "$Id: dist.py,v 1.5 2000/04/21 02:28:14 gward Exp $"
  import sys, string, re
*** 13,17 ****
  from copy import copy
  from distutils.errors import *
! from distutils.fancy_getopt import fancy_getopt, print_help
--- 13,17 ----
  from copy import copy
  from distutils.errors import *
! from distutils.fancy_getopt import FancyGetopt, longopt_xlate
*** 41,46 ****
      # 'global_options' describes the command-line options that may be
!     # supplied to the client (setup.py) prior to any actual commands.
!     # Eg. "./setup.py -nv" or "./setup.py --verbose" both take advantage of
      # these global options.  This list should be kept to a bare minimum,
      # since every global option is also valid as a command option -- and we
--- 41,46 ----
      # 'global_options' describes the command-line options that may be
!     # supplied to the setup script prior to any actual commands.
!     # Eg. "./setup.py -n" or "./setup.py --quiet" both take advantage of
      # these global options.  This list should be kept to a bare minimum,
      # since every global option is also valid as a command option -- and we
*** 54,59 ****
                         "don't actually do anything"),
                        ('help', 'h',
!                        "show this help message"),
      negative_opt = {'quiet': 'verbose'}
--- 54,98 ----
                         "don't actually do anything"),
                        ('help', 'h',
!                        "show this help message, plus help for any commands " +
!                        "given on the command-line"),
+     # options that are not propagated to the commands
+     display_options = [
+         ('help-commands', None,
+          "list all available commands"),
+         ('name', None,
+          "print package name"),
+         ('version', 'V',
+          "print package version"),
+         ('fullname', None,
+          "print <package name>-<version>"),
+         ('author', None,
+          "print the author's name"),
+         ('author-email', None,
+          "print the author's email address"),
+         ('maintainer', None,
+          "print the maintainer's name"),
+         ('maintainer-email', None,
+          "print the maintainer's email address"),
+         ('contact', None,
+          "print the name of the maintainer if present, "
+          "else author"),
+         ('contact-email', None,
+          "print the email of the maintainer if present, "
+          "else author"),
+         ('url', None,
+          "print the URL for this package"),
+         ('licence', None,
+          "print the licence of the package"),
+         ('license', None,
+          "alias for --licence"),
+         ('description', None,
+          "print the package description"),
+         ]
+     display_option_names = map(lambda x: string.translate(x[0], longopt_xlate),
+                            display_options)
+     # negative options are options that exclude other options
      negative_opt = {'quiet': 'verbose'}
*** 76,98 ****
          self.dry_run = 0
          self.help = 0
!         self.help_commands = 0
!         # And the "distribution meta-data" options -- these can only
!         # come from setup.py (the caller), not the command line
!         # (or a hypothetical config file).
!         self.name = None
!         self.version = None
!         self.author = None
!         self.author_email = None
!         self.maintainer = None
!         self.maintainer_email = None
!         self.url = None
!         self.licence = None
!         self.description = None
          # 'cmdclass' maps command names to class objects, so we
          # can 1) quickly figure out which class to instantiate when
          # we need to create a new command object, and 2) have a way
!         # for the client to override command classes
          self.cmdclass = {}
--- 115,135 ----
          self.dry_run = 0
          self.help = 0
!         for attr in self.display_option_names:
!             setattr(self, attr, 0)
!         # Store the distribution meta-data (name, version, author, and so
!         # forth) in a separate object -- we're getting to have enough
!         # information here (and enough command-line options) that it's
!         # worth it.  Also delegate 'get_XXX()' methods to the 'metadata'
!         # object in a sneaky and underhanded (but efficient!) way.
!         self.metadata = DistributionMetadata ()
!         for attr in dir(self.metadata):
!             meth_name = "get_" + attr
!             setattr(self, meth_name, getattr(self.metadata, meth_name))
          # 'cmdclass' maps command names to class objects, so we
          # can 1) quickly figure out which class to instantiate when
          # we need to create a new command object, and 2) have a way
!         # for the setup script to override command classes
          self.cmdclass = {}
*** 100,104 ****
          # than of the Distribution itself.  We provide aliases for them in
          # Distribution as a convenience to the developer.
-         # dictionary.        
          self.packages = None
          self.package_dir = None
--- 137,140 ----
*** 129,134 ****
          # Now we'll use the attrs dictionary (ultimately, keyword args from
!         # the client) to possibly override any or all of these distribution
!         # options.        
          if attrs:
--- 165,171 ----
          # Now we'll use the attrs dictionary (ultimately, keyword args from
!         # the setup script) to possibly override any or all of these
!         # distribution options.
          if attrs:
*** 150,154 ****
              # not already defined is invalid!
              for (key,val) in attrs.items():
!                 if hasattr (self, key):
                      setattr (self, key, val)
--- 187,193 ----
              # not already defined is invalid!
              for (key,val) in attrs.items():
!                 if hasattr (self.metadata, key):
!                     setattr (self.metadata, key, val)
!                 elif hasattr (self, key):
                      setattr (self, key, val)
*** 193,209 ****
          self.commands = []
!         options = self.global_options + \
!                   [('help-commands', None,
!                     "list all available commands")]
!         args = fancy_getopt (options, self.negative_opt,
!                              self, sys.argv[1:])
!         # User just wants a list of commands -- we'll print it out and stop
!         # processing now (ie. if they ran "setup --help-commands foo bar",
!         # we ignore "foo bar").
!         if self.help_commands:
!             self.print_commands ()
!             print
!             print usage
--- 232,246 ----
          self.commands = []
!         parser = FancyGetopt (self.global_options + self.display_options)
!         parser.set_negative_aliases (self.negative_opt)
!         args = parser.getopt (object=self)
!         option_order = parser.get_option_order()
!         # Handle aliases (license == licence)
!         if self.license:
!             self.licence = 1
!         # for display options we return immediately
!         if self.handle_display_options(option_order):
*** 247,259 ****
                  negative_opt.update (cmd_obj.negative_opt)
!             options = self.global_options + cmd_obj.user_options
!             args = fancy_getopt (options, negative_opt,
!                                  cmd_obj, args[1:])
              if cmd_obj.help:
!                 print_help (self.global_options,
!                             header="Global options:")
!                 print_help (cmd_obj.user_options,
!                             header="Options for '%s' command:" % command)
                  print usage
--- 284,298 ----
                  negative_opt.update (cmd_obj.negative_opt)
!             parser.set_option_table (self.global_options +
!                                      cmd_obj.user_options)
!             parser.set_negative_aliases (negative_opt)
!             args = parser.getopt (args[1:], cmd_obj)
              if cmd_obj.help:
!                 parser.set_option_table (self.global_options)
!                 parser.print_help ("Global options:")
!                 parser.set_option_table (cmd_obj.user_options)
!                 parser.print_help ("Options for '%s' command:" % command)
                  print usage
*** 272,282 ****
          # CVS does it -- might as well be consistent.)
          if self.help:
!             print_help (self.global_options, header="Global options:")
              for command in self.commands:
                  klass = self.find_command_class (command)
!                 print_help (klass.user_options,
!                             header="Options for '%s' command:" % command)
--- 311,331 ----
          # CVS does it -- might as well be consistent.)
          if self.help:
!             parser.set_option_table (self.global_options)
!             parser.print_help (
!                 "Global options (apply to all commands, " +
!                 "or can be used per command):")
+             if not self.commands:
+                 parser.set_option_table (self.display_options)
+                 parser.print_help (
+                     "Information display options (just display " +
+                     "information, ignore any commands)")
+                 print
              for command in self.commands:
                  klass = self.find_command_class (command)
!                 parser.set_option_table (klass.user_options)
!                 parser.print_help ("Options for '%s' command:" % command)
*** 293,297 ****
--- 342,380 ----
      # parse_command_line()
+     def handle_display_options (self, option_order):
+         """If there were any non-global "display-only" options
+          (--help-commands or the metadata display options) on the command
+          line, display the requested info and return true; else return
+          false."""
+         from distutils.core import usage
+         # User just wants a list of commands -- we'll print it out and stop
+         # processing now (ie. if they ran "setup --help-commands foo bar",
+         # we ignore "foo bar").
+         if self.help_commands:
+             self.print_commands ()
+             print
+             print usage
+             return 1
+         # If user supplied any of the "display metadata" options, then
+         # display that metadata in the order in which the user supplied the
+         # metadata options.
+         any_display_options = 0
+         is_display_option = {}
+         for option in self.display_options:
+             is_display_option[option[0]] = 1
+         for (opt, val) in option_order:
+             if val and is_display_option.get(opt):
+                 opt = string.translate (opt, longopt_xlate)
+                 print getattr(self.metadata, "get_"+opt)()
+                 any_display_options = 1
+         return any_display_options
+     # handle_display_options()
      def print_command_list (self, commands, header, max_length):
          """Print a subset of the list of all commands -- used by
*** 438,442 ****
      def run_commands (self):
!         """Run each command that was seen on the client command line.
             Uses the list of commands found and cache of command objects
             created by 'create_command_obj()'."""
--- 521,525 ----
      def run_commands (self):
!         """Run each command that was seen on the setup script command line.
             Uses the list of commands found and cache of command objects
             created by 'create_command_obj()'."""
*** 533,544 ****
                  not self.has_c_libraries())
      def get_name (self):
          return self.name or "UNKNOWN"
!     def get_full_name (self):
!         return "%s-%s" % ((self.name or "UNKNOWN"), (self.version or "???"))
! # class Distribution
  if __name__ == "__main__":
--- 616,687 ----
                  not self.has_c_libraries())
+     # -- Metadata query methods ----------------------------------------
+     # If you're looking for 'get_name()', 'get_version()', and so forth,
+     # they are defined in a sneaky way: the constructor binds self.get_XXX
+     # to self.metadata.get_XXX.  The actual code is in the
+     # DistributionMetadata class, below.
+ # class Distribution
+ class DistributionMetadata:
+     """Dummy class to hold the distribution meta-data: name, version,
+     author, and so forth."""
+     def __init__ (self):
+         self.name = None
+         self.version = None
+         self.author = None
+         self.author_email = None
+         self.maintainer = None
+         self.maintainer_email = None
+         self.url = None
+         self.licence = None
+         self.description = None
+     # -- Metadata query methods ----------------------------------------
      def get_name (self):
          return self.name or "UNKNOWN"
!     def get_version(self):
!         return self.version or "???"
!     def get_fullname (self):
!         return "%s-%s" % (self.get_name(), self.get_version())
!     def get_author(self):
!         return self.author or "UNKNOWN"
+     def get_author_email(self):
+         return self.author_email or "UNKNOWN"
+     def get_maintainer(self):
+         return self.maintainer or "UNKNOWN"
+     def get_maintainer_email(self):
+         return self.maintainer_email or "UNKNOWN"
+     def get_contact(self):
+         return (self.maintainer or
+                 self.author or
+                 "UNKNOWN")
+     def get_contact_email(self):
+         return (self.maintainer_email or
+                 self.author_email or
+                 "UNKNOWN")
+     def get_url(self):
+         return self.url or "UNKNOWN"
+     def get_licence(self):
+         return self.licence or "UNKNOWN"
+     def get_description(self):
+         return self.description or "UNKNOWN"
+ # class DistributionMetadata
  if __name__ == "__main__":