[Python-buildbots] Idea: have a different buildbot server for unstable workers?

Victor Stinner vstinner at redhat.com
Tue Mar 5 10:07:57 EST 2019


I'm working on getting green buildbot workers at
https://buildbot.python.org/all/#/builders but they are many workers
which are "known" to be broken. Recently, Cheryl asked me if she broke
Alpine Linux... well, as far as I recall, this one has always been
broken: Python doesn't support musl C library.

What do you think of having a separated website for unstable buildbots?

Why doing that?

Right now, the server is sending notifications by email and IRC on
some state changes like green => red or purple (exception) => another
color. It generates noise which annoy me when I would like to have a
look at buildbots.

The other "unstable" buildbot servers would either not send any
notification, or use a different email address / different IRC

List of workers that I would like to move there:

* Alpine Linux
* Cygwin
* UBSan

My intent is also to clarify the difference between a "fully supported
platform" and "best effort platform support":

My intent is not to kick some platforms out of Python.

What do you think?

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.

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