[Python-buildbots] Windows ARM32 buildbot

Victor Stinner vstinner at redhat.com
Mon Jul 1 10:41:42 EDT 2019

In my experience, running tests sequentially is unsafe. I prefer to use -j1:
"Run tests in parallel using 1 child processes"

A new process is spawned for each test file. It reduces the risk of
side effects between 2 test files.


Le lun. 1 juil. 2019 à 16:32, Paul Monson via Python-Buildbots
<python-buildbots at python.org> a écrit :
> Can someone merge this PR please?
> https://github.com/python/buildmaster-config/pull/97
> I suspect that the socket tests are flaky no Windows ARM32 because of a lack of resource, and I would like to test running one test at time to see if it improves test reliability.
> The tests seems less flaky when not running in a buildbot worker, but it might just be that the sample size is too small when running manually
> Thanks,
> Paul
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