[Python-buildbots] Moving Python.org to Buildbot 9 + Python 3

David Bolen db3l.net at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 16:46:52 EDT 2017

On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 4:33 PM, Craig Rodrigues <rodrigc at crodrigues.org> wrote:

> Based on my experiments, I think it is safe to perform the migration as
> follows:
> 1.   Update the buildbot master to buildbot 9 + Python 3.  Leave the
> buildbot workers/slaves alone.  They should be
>       able to successfully connect to the new buildbot master and work.
> 2.   For the buildbot worker/slave maintainers, give them the following
> options:
>       a.  Upgrade the buildbot worker to buildbot 9 + Python 3    (MOST
>       b.  Upgrade the buildbot worker to buildbot 9 + Python 2    (LESS
>       c.  Leave the buildbot slave alone at buildbot 8 + Python 2  (LEAST

Yes, my own preference would be to do workers last.  It sounds to me
like most of the benefits of this change accrue on the master side
(eliminating our custom version) and at least for my part, I'd prefer
not to be critical path to allowing that upgrade to proceed.

Over a longer period, I'm curious about the preferences - are there
concrete benefits in our environment of 0.9 over 0.8 on the worker
side?  E.g., what does upgrading bring on the worker side?  In some
cases an upgrade is trivial, but I've still got a few local tweaks on the
Windows side that, while probably not too difficult to port, incur cost
only worth doing if there is a concrete requirement or benefit.

Oh, and I can offer any of my Windows workers for interoperability
testing if you'd like me to temporarily configure them to an
additional master.  At least one of them (XP) is probably not worth
the effort of getting to (a) vs. (b).

-- David

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