[Python-buildbots] Stable builders

David Bolen db3l.net at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 18:56:32 EST 2015

Just an FYI related to these:

> "Iffy" (have failures that look related to the slave, but are
> platforms that should be stable.  If I reshuffle right now, they'll be
> marked unstable):
> bolen-ubuntu
> bolen-windows
> bolen-windows8
> bolen-windows10

I've watched them consistently failing for a while now, but whenever I
peek at selected failures it doesn't seem to be slaved related, as
opposed to true test failures (albeit those I may not understand a
root cause behind).  So I've assumed they were issues in-development.
Certainly bolen-ubuntu has traditionally been extremely robust in
terms of passing tests (unlike windows sometimes) so its failures are
usually actual failures.  Of course, in that case I suppose a new test
might have added host requirements for certificate validation that
requires something to change on the build slave.

For windows, I sort of assumed the getaddrinfo failures might have
been tests that just didn't work properly on newer windows versions,
but have to admit I did not try to dig deeper.  I don't think there's
anything I can do at the slave level to impact that.

If the stable list just means passing under the current code, the
above set definitely should be excluded.  I'm just not sure they
aren't representing actual issues for the most part.

-- David

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