[issue22467] Lib/http/server.py, inconsistent header casing

DS6 report at bugs.python.org
Tue Sep 23 21:31:40 CEST 2014

DS6 added the comment:

Yeah, I was aware it's used for getting the request headers. It's strange that it's not used for setting reply headers, though the casing really doesn't cause any problems for the current implementation and really only affects fringe cases like mine and that fellow in issue #12455.
I suppose it would simply be wiser to rewrite my own code a bit instead of relying on private fields, since I am actually extending with my own classes instead of wholly relying on the std libs.

I appreciate the post, David, I was not aware this issue had been brought up before; I did actually search for related issues but I guess I didn't see that one.

Whoa, I thought " - no selection - " would not change the set values, but I guess I was wrong.
...And apparently duplicate messages are pruned.
I have no idea what I'm doing, sorry.


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