[issue3694] Undetected error in _struct.pack_into

Mark Dickinson report at bugs.python.org
Fri Feb 13 12:58:16 CET 2009

Mark Dickinson <dickinsm at gmail.com> added the comment:

> BTW, there's a warning in _struct.c:180 -> warning: ‘get_ulong’
> defined but not used, should I open a new issue?

Sure.  Please could you add me to the nosy list if you do.

In my opinion, the struct module *really* needs an overhaul, especially
for py3k; there's a lot of inconsistency in the behaviour with respect
to different integer types, and there's a lot of code that seems to be
there purely for backwards compatibility that could be removed for 3.1
(and probably for 2.7 as well):  for example, allowing floats when
packing integer types, and allowing overflow to wraparound rather than
raising an exception.

Would it be worth opening a general 'overhaul the struct module' issue
and marking all the current struct bugs as dependencies for this issue?

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