[issue5132] distutils: libpython not found when building python extensions on Solaris when Python was built with --enable-shared

Dave Peterson report at bugs.python.org
Mon Feb 2 19:28:13 CET 2009

New submission from Dave Peterson <dpeterson at enthought.com>:

I've had trouble building Python extensions on Solaris if the Python
install I'm using was built with the '--enable-shared' option.   In
tracking this down, it appears that the code in
'distutils/command/build_ext.py' contains a number of statements to
detect a similar situation for other platforms and explicitly add the
'lib' dir option for the linker, but there is no similar detection for

I've attached a patch that fixes this and solves the problem for me.  I
simply extended the checking for 'linux' and 'gnu' platforms to also
apply for 'sunos' platforms.

components: Distutils
files: distutils_command_build_ext.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 80977
nosy: dpeterson
severity: normal
status: open
title: distutils: libpython not found when building python extensions on Solaris when Python was built with --enable-shared
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.5
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file12920/distutils_command_build_ext.patch

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