[issue2501] xml.sax.parser() doesn't terminate when given a filename

Mark Summerfield report at bugs.python.org
Fri Mar 28 11:15:14 CET 2008

New submission from Mark Summerfield <mark at qtrac.eu>:

The tiny program at the end of this message runs under Python 2.5 &
30a3. Under 2 it gives the following output:

: python sax.py test.xml
('+', u'document')
('+', u'outer')
('+', u'inner')
('-', u'inner')
('-', u'outer')
('-', u'document')

Under 3 it does not terminate:
: python3 sax.py test.xml
+ document
+ outer
+ inner
- inner
- outer
- document
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sax.py", line 19, in <module>
  File "/home/mark/opt/python30a3/lib/python3.0/xml/sax/expatreader.py",
line 107, in parse
    xmlreader.IncrementalParser.parse(self, source)
  File "/home/mark/opt/python30a3/lib/python3.0/xml/sax/xmlreader.py",
line 124, in parse
    buffer = file.read(self._bufsize)
  File "/home/mark/opt/python30a3/lib/python3.0/io.py", line 774, in read
    current = self.raw.read(to_read)

The xml.sax.parser() function seems to work fine if you give it an open
file object and close the file after the call. But the documentation
says you can give it a filename, but if you do that the parser does not
terminate in Python 3 although it works fine in Python 2.

# sax.py
import sys
import xml.sax
BUG = True
class SaxHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
    def startElement(self, name, attributes):
        print("+", name)
    def endElement(self, name):
        print("-", name)
handler = SaxHandler()
parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
if BUG:
    fh = open(sys.argv[1], encoding="utf8")
# end of sax.py

Here is the test file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

components: XML
messages: 64625
nosy: mark
severity: normal
status: open
title: xml.sax.parser() doesn't terminate when given a filename
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.0

Tracker <report at bugs.python.org>

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