[Python-bugs-list] Re: [Bug #119755] sys.getdefaultencoding undocumented

Alex Martelli aleaxit@yahoo.com
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 16:59:21 +0100

> Summary: sys.getdefaultencoding undocumented
> Details: I can't find any documentation of the getdefaultencoding function
of module sys (though I can guess what it does...), nor any explanation
about how to set/change the default encoding (or assertion that it cannot be
> Since the default encoding is 'ascii' unless one edits site.py or
> sitecustomize.py to use something else, there is not much to document

But what should be placed in site.py or sitecustomize.py to
use a different default-encoding rather than 'ascii'...?  I
can't see that documented anywhere, either (myopia...?)

> here ;-)
> Anyway, documentation was already written and will show up with
> the next documentation release, I guess.... Fred ?

I, personally, can wait, but there's some guy over in c.l.p
who's dying to get latin1 as the default, it seems.
