[Python-bugs-list] [Bug #115392] Build under SunOS 4.1.4_JL fails

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Thu, 5 Oct 2000 11:04:49 -0700

Bug #115392, was updated on 2000-Sep-26 12:13
Here is a current snapshot of the bug.

Project: Python
Category: Build
Status: Open
Resolution: Wont Fix
Bug Group: Platform-specific
Priority: 6
Summary: Build under SunOS 4.1.4_JL fails

Details: The linkage of the python executable fails under SunOS 4.1.4_JL since
LDFLAGS in Modules/Makefile is defined as:


That is, no value of the -L option is specified.  This definition seems
to be generated by the configure script.  The same problem raises even
though a explicit definition of LDFLAGS is given when the configure
script is invoked, as shown below:

  $ env LDFLAGS='' ./configure

(In fact, no -L options are needed for my configuration, so the linkage
is successfully done by running make LDFLAGS='').


Date: 2000-Sep-26 12:18
By: kajiyama

I forgot to give the version: 2.0b1, of course :-)

Date: 2000-Sep-26 12:38
By: fdrake

Assigned to Barry since he's the GNUish guy, and he should know enough autoconf to fix this.

Date: 2000-Sep-27 10:09
By: loewis

The bug is caused by the configure.in fragment

    if test -d "$with_threads"
    then LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$with_threads"

with_threads is empty, yet the test whether it is a directory(!) succeeds.

It appears that 'test -d' must be replaced with 'test -n' in many places in configure.in; bumped priority so this gets attention.

Date: 2000-Oct-05 08:28
By: bwarsaw

Should we worry about this?  I've tested -d "" with the Bourne shell on Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris 2.6, and all return false as expected.  If SunOS 4.1.4_JL is anything like SunOS 4 in the US, it is ancient!  I personally don't think it's worth expending effort on supporting this platform.

Your solution works fine (and should be added to a FAQ some place).  Alternaatively, use bash instead of sh to run configure.

Re-assigning to Guido to see if he agrees.

Date: 2000-Oct-05 11:04
By: gvanrossum

It's easy enough to systematically replace test -d "$foo" with test ! -z "$foo" -a -d "$foo" everywhere in the configure script. I'd say do this; test -d "" is probably just ill-defined and shouldn't be relied on.

Barry, back to you!

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