[Python-bugs-list] fix for freezing problem (PR#417)

guido@beopen.com guido@beopen.com
Fri, 28 Jul 2000 06:35:16 -0400 (EDT)

> Full_Name: daishi harada
> Version: cvs (2.0/1.6?)
> OS: linux 2.2 (debian/frozen)
> Submission from: c894332-a.pinol1.sfba.home.com (
> Attempting to freeze in the cvs version of Python appears to fail because of
> the addition of:
> 	Modules/config.c.in L40:       {"exceptions", NULL}, 
> with respect to earlier versions of Python. In particular, freezing fails
> because an
> 	extern void initexceptions();
> ends up being placed in the config.c generated by Tools/freeze/makeconfig.py,
> and this is unbound. I have "fixed" this by simply adding 'exceptions' to the
> never list on L6 of makeconfig.py. Things appear to work (or at least
> properly freeze), but I have not extensively verified correct operation.

Thanks!  I've fixed this in the CVS tree now.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.pythonlabs.com/~guido/)