[Python-bugs-list] isdir bad behaviouring (PR#408)

thomas.mangin@free.fr thomas.mangin@free.fr
Sun, 23 Jul 2000 08:39:26 -0400 (EDT)

Full_Name: Thomas Mangin
Version: 1.5.2
OS: Linux
Submission from: thomas.legend-internet.net (

This report is not a "Bug" report but more a library "Misbehaviouring" report.
I am concern about os.path.isdir return code. (this can probably applied to

The return code express a boolean value : the file is a directory or not.

But I notice that if you don't have read access into the directory where the
file is stored, the function always return 0.
Or the path can refer a directory, returning 0 simply isn't right.

I beleve an exception must be raised to inform the programmer about this access
right problem and must be silently ignored.