[Python-bugs-list] test_re fails in CVS from 07/19/00 (PR#404)

flight@debian.org flight@debian.org
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 11:38:18 -0400 (EDT)

Full_Name: Gregor Hoffleit
Version: 2.0 CVS (07/19/00)
OS: Debian GNU/Linux 2.2
Submission from: p3e9d03da.dip0.t-ipconnect.de (

A few weeks ago I noticed that the CVS version of Python 2.0 fails in test_re.
This is with Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (libc 2.1.3 FWIW). 

When running test.regrtest.main(), the error message is:

  test test_re failed --
     Writing: '=== Failed incorrectly', expected: "('abc', 'abc', 0, 'fou"

When running test.test_re() standalone, the error goes like this:

Python 2.0b1 (#0, Jul 19 2000, 10:24:07)  [GCC 2.95.2 20000220 (Debian
GNU/Linux)] on linux2
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
Copyright 1995-2000 Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI)
>>> from test import test_re
Running tests on re.search and re.match
Running tests on re.sub
Running tests on symbolic references
Running tests on re.subn
Running tests on re.split
Running tests on re.findall
Running tests on re.match
Running tests on re.escape
Pickling a RegexObject instance
Running re_tests test suite
=== Failed incorrectly ('^(.+)?B', 'AB', 0, 'g1', 'A')
=== Fails on case-insensitive match ('^(.+)?B', 'AB', 0, 'g1', 'A')
=== Fails on locale-sensitive match ('^(.+)?B', 'AB', 0, 'g1', 'A')
=== Failed incorrectly ('(a+)+\\1', 'aa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1', 'aa-a')
=== Fails on case-insensitive match ('(a+)+\\1', 'aa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1',
=== Fails on locale-sensitive match ('(a+)+\\1', 'aa', 0, 'found+"-"+g1',
=== Failed incorrectly ('^(.+)?B', 'AB', 0, 'g1', 'A')
=== Fails on case-insensitive match ('^(.+)?B', 'AB', 0, 'g1', 'A')
=== Fails on locale-sensitive match ('^(.+)?B', 'AB', 0, 'g1', 'A')