[Python-bugs-list] win32api.GetFullPathName (build 129) (PR#380)

mhammond@skippinet.com.au mhammond@skippinet.com.au
Tue, 4 Jul 2000 02:20:39 -0400 (EDT)

Can anyone else here confirm that:

a) os.abspath('') on Linux does indeed return the CWD.
b) It is supposed to :-)

If confirmed, this would be a bug in ntpath.py.  It catches win32api
exceptions, and returns the input name in that case.  This would be
triggered by:

>>> win32api.GetFullPathName('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
pywintypes.api_error: (127, 'GetFullPathName', 'The specified procedure
could not be found.')

Is this indeed something we should fix?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: python-bugs-list-admin@python.org
> [mailto:python-bugs-list-admin@python.org]On Behalf Of
> 2jerry@writeme.com
> Sent: Tuesday, 4 July 2000 7:14 AM
> To: python-bugs-list@python.org
> Cc: bugs-py@python.org
> Subject: [Python-bugs-list] win32api.GetFullPathName (build 129)
> (PR#380)
> Full_Name: Jerome VACHER
> Version: 1.5.2  (win32api build 129)
> OS: pc win98
> Submission from: ppp-55.dialup-166.worldonline.fr (
> next to code:
> full_path_lst = map(os.path.abspath, sys.path)
> according to that sys.path include the source directory at the
> first place of
> sys.path.
> I noticed that if I call the module in its own directory (python
> -i module.py)
>  the first item of sys.path is ''.
> That all ok: abspath function in os module call getcwd()
> function if path is
> Null.
> ...
> good day for UNIX like men (as me :))
> ...
> but in NT or WIN 98 workstation:
> os.path.abspath call :win32api.GetFullPathName(path)  in ntpath module
> and
> win32api.GetFullPathName('')   return '' and not current directory.
> Maybe is it a functionality .. but is os-depend functionality
> available for a
> longtime ?
> Jerome.vacher alias Jerry the foolish dracomorpheus.
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