[Python-bugs-list] dir function anomoly (PR#174)

dennis.mccoy@mindspring.com dennis.mccoy@mindspring.com
Sun, 9 Jan 2000 17:58:04 -0500 (EST)

Full_Name: Dennis McCoy
Version: 1.5.2
OS: Win 95
Submission from: user-33qsde3.dialup.mindspring.com (

Coded and saved a module with the following content

# div.py
def remainder(a,b):
	q = a/b
	r = a - q*b
	return r
def divide(a,b):
	q = a/b
	r = a - q*b
	return (q,r)

Wrote a script that imports all the functions in div.py

# bug2.py	

from div import *			# Import all the functions in the module div.py

x = dir()					# Get all the namespace entries except for the
print x						# and print them

x = dir(div)				# x is supposed to get the contents of module div
print x

The first call for dir() works as expected and reports both of the functions
in the imported file div.py 

The second call for dir(div) generates the following Python error:
NameError: div