[Python-bugs-list] Missing , not picked up by parser (PR#423)

chrisw@nipltd.com chrisw@nipltd.com
Tue, 1 Aug 2000 18:46:15 -0400 (EDT)

Full_Name: Chris Withers
Version: 1.5.2
OS: WinNT/Linux
Submission from: zuul.nipltd.com (

I have something equivalent to this in my code:

mylist = ['x','y'

(the real code has much longer contents, hence the line break ;-)

I think this should throw a parse error 'cos there's a missing comma.

What actually happens is it ends up as:

mylist = ['x','yz']

which is _really_ non-intuitive. I spent a good few hours trying to find the
of an exception in the Squishdot product for Zope until I noticed this.

I note that:
mystring = 'x''y'
is also legal, which I suspect is the roundabout source of this problem.

Sure that should raise an error and only the following should give the result
that that does:
mystring = 'x'+'y'

