[Python-bugs-list] PRIVATE: IDLE bug (PR#297)

fdrake@acm.org fdrake@acm.org
Mon, 17 Apr 2000 10:02:17 -0400 (EDT)

ovi@physics.utoronto.ca writes:
 > The problem is caused by the fact that idle.py assumes the configuration files
 > to be located in the directory where the executable is found. 
 > I do not think that having a link from /usr/local/bin/idle to /path/to/idle.py
 > is uncommon on unix. The following patch fixes this small problem. The patch is
 > against the latest CVS sources.

  Are you sure you were using the latest sources from CVS?  I fixed
this (in a slightly simpler way) late last week.
  If what's currently in CVS doesn't work for you, be sure to let us


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	  <fdrake at acm.org>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives