[Python-bugs-list] Re: Tkinter wm_colormapwindows doesn't work w/o breaking Tkinter encapsulation (PR#107)

aa8vb@yahoo.com aa8vb@yahoo.com
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 07:01:45 -0400 (EDT)

Guido van Rossum:
 |> From first glance, it appears there may be two problems: 
 |>      1) the Tkinter objects aren't being translated to Tk widget names 
 |>         (label._w, frame._w), and 
 |This is actually not a bug -- when you print a tuple, repr() is applied 
 |to its items, but the tk.call() method applies str() to the arguments, 
 |and the str() of a Tkinter widget returns its _w attribute.  Try
 |printing map(str, ...) over the final argument tuple.


 |>      2) The window list isn't being passed to Tk as a Tk list 
 |>         (i.e. one arg to tk.call)
 |That's the bug.  I can't really test it right now, but does the
 |following fix it?

I think so.  That is, it doesn't generate Tk errors.  (I'm still trying to
figure out how to coerce 8-bit colormap focus.)



 |*** 783,789 ****
 |  		return self.tk.call('wm', 'client', self._w, name)
 |  	client = wm_client
 |  	def wm_colormapwindows(self, *wlist):
 |! 		args = ('wm', 'colormapwindows', self._w) + _flatten(wlist)
 |  		return map(self._nametowidget, self.tk.call(args))
 |  	colormapwindows = wm_colormapwindows
 |  	def wm_command(self, value=None):
 |--- 783,791 ----
 |  		return self.tk.call('wm', 'client', self._w, name)
 |  	client = wm_client
 |  	def wm_colormapwindows(self, *wlist):
 |! 		if wlist:
 |! 			wlist = (wlist,) # Tk needs a list of windows here
 |! 		args = ('wm', 'colormapwindows', self._w) + wlist
 |  		return map(self._nametowidget, self.tk.call(args))
 |  	colormapwindows = wm_colormapwindows
 |  	def wm_command(self, value=None):
 |--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)