[Python-bugs-list] almodule.c (PR#157)

doug_wiens@intuit.com doug_wiens@intuit.com
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 18:45:28 -0500 (EST)

Full_Name: Doug Wiens
Version: 1.5.2
OS: Win98
Submission from: fw.intuit.com (

I was scanning the 1.5.2 source code for an example of the proper usage of
the format specifier "O!" for the the function PyArg_ParseTuple().  In 
.\modules\almodule.c, in function al_Connect() (line 1548), there is the 

   if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii|O!", &source, &dest, &propobj))

I do believe that "O!" needs 2 C arguments, and "ii|O!" would need 4 C
arguments, however, only 3 are specified.

I don't know what almodule is, I don't use it, I have not tested to see if
this is really a bug or not.

Doug Wiens.