[Python-africa] Good Python hosting?

Chavoux Luyt chavoux at gmail.com
Sun Jul 24 13:22:23 EDT 2016

Hi Pythonistas,

I am not sure if this is the right mailing list to ask... most talk so far
have been about python meetups and conferences.

I am in the process of writing a Python web application for a research
project (i.e. no income and little money). I am based in Namibia, but
currently hosting my own web site with a reasonably priced South African
web host. But it is only static web pages. Do you have any advice on good
cheap server hosts that runs python or a python framework of some kind?

I have no experience in Python web application. I have done some web
application development in C# .NET and asp.NET on Windows. But I would like
a Python web framework with easy connectivity to at least potgreSQL and
that preferably use CSS for its "look and feel"part (the generated html
should have enough DIV and SPAN classes to make it easy to change the look
and feel with CSS). The little bit of Python programming I have done so far
have only been simple command-line programs/scripts.

What I would like:
1. Python hosting obviously, preferably on Linux.
2. A GIS web server, using the same database as the database as the Python
web application. .. I was thinking of qGIS and/or GRASS using postGIS.
3. A database back-end, ACID compliant... I was thinking of PostgreSQL,
since it has postGIS, meaning that I can have a single database for my GIS
data and the Python web application.
4. Preferably running a whole Python web framework.

The other option would be to buy and set up my own Linux Python web server.
But that is a lot of work, and I am not sure it will be any cheaper than a
hosting option?

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