[Python-africa] Newbie Python questions

Ibrahim DIOP diopib at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 12:59:05 EST 2016

Hello Chavoux Luyt,

 1. there are python editors & IDE that you could find interesting like:
      - sublime [ https://www.sublimetext.com/ ]
      - atom [ https://atom.io/ ]
      - Pycharm [ https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/ ]
      - Komodo [ http://komodoide.com/ ]
      - etc.

 2. it depends on exactly what you want to achieve. for data crunching,
     see github showcase page on data and science related project [
https://github.com/showcases/science ]

  3. For web related projects, python has a good set of web frameworks.
      The most known of them is Django [ https://www.djangoproject.com/ ] .
       You have also other options like flask [ http://flask.pocoo.org/ ],
        cherrypi [ http://www.cherrypy.org/ ], webpy [ http://webpy.org/ ]
etc... Just you what suits you.

Speaking of diving into python, here are 2 awesome python tutorials:
    - Dive into python [ http://www.diveintopython.net/ ]
    - Learn python the hard way [ http://learnpythonthehardway.org/ ]

I hope that helps,

Le mer. 10 févr. 2016 à 12:30, Chavoux Luyt <chavoux at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi guys,
> I have played a bit with Python in the past, but have not done any
> serious programming in Python yet. I really liked the language and
> would like to use it as part of my PhD (in Conservation Ecology, not
> Computer Science). So I have a number of questions on the fit of
> Python as the best tool for the job...
> 1. I am currently thinking of using Lazarus (Free Pascal) as my tool
> of choice for the Desktop version of my program. The program is likely
> to be fairly computationally/data intensive and I am familiar with
> Delphi (and a bit of Lazarus). I would like something that is easy to
> cross-compile for Windows and Linux and easy to build a user-friendly
> GUI. It is also easy to connect to databases from Lazarus (similar to
> C# .NET, which is not an option for me). I know only of Boa
> Constructor as a Python IDE for desktop GUI development. I am not sure
> if it is cross-platform, though. So while I am not seriously
> considering it at present, I would like to know if there is anything
> similar to Delphi / MS Visual Studio .NET for Python?
> 2. I would like to also write a Web version of the program, which is
> really what I want to use Python for (my other option here was Ruby).
> I know that for some heavy data crunching python sometimes use modules
> written in C with a Python wrapper (I have never done this myself with
> Python, but have used Java wrappers for assembler modules in the past,
> and liked it as a neat way to have fast modules - a bottom-up view -
> and the main program being written in the higher-level language - a
> top-down view). Is the same thing possible for free pascal modules?
> I.e. to write the more computationally-intensive modules in Object
> Pascal and wrap it in Python?
> 3. If I do not have full control of my web server (it being hosted
> elsewhere), what would be an easy way to deploy a python web
> application? I do have ftp access to the public http directory, and
> AFAIK the server is running Python. Is there any Python tools to make
> this easy? (I have so far only written command-line programs in Python
> and used asp .NET for past web applications).
> Any good links to help my dive into Python appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Chavoux Luyt
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