[Python-3000] PEP 3138- String representation in Python 3000

Jim Jewett jimjjewett at gmail.com
Tue May 27 21:17:29 CEST 2008

On 5/27/08, Adam Olsen <rhamph at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 8:13 PM, Jim Jewett <jimjjewett at gmail.com> wrote:

>  > The problem is classes where str(x) != repr(x), and how they get
>  > messed up when a container holding (one of their) instances is
>  > printed.

>  >>>> class A:
>  >>>>        def __str__(self):  return "an A"
>  >>>> a=A()

>  >>>> print a    # this is fine.
>  > an A
>  >>>> str(a)      # this is OK, you have asked for "%s" % a
>  > 'an A'
>  >>>> repr(a)   # this is OK, you wanted repr explicitly.
>  > '<__main__.A instance at 0x012DDAF8>'

>  >>>> print ([a])   # this stinks ...
>  > [<__main__.A instance at 0x012DDAF8>]

>  > It would be much better as:

>  >>>> print ([a])   # after fixing the recursion bug
>  > ['an a']

>  Hmm, I see where the confusion is.  Containers only define __repr__,
>  so although you think it's the list.__str__ that's mistakenly using
>  repr(), it's str(list) itself that's calling repr(list).

And the fact that it then calls repr (rather than str) on the contents
-- even though the user asked for str -- is what I (but not Nick)
consider a bug.  I believe this bug is also the only real source of
the pain that motivates PEP 3138.

>  So the question to ask is whether we can define a useful __str__ for
>  containers.  str(['an a']) -> '[an a]' is not too bad, but
>  str(['hello, world']) -> '[hello, world]' is ambiguous.  It crosses
>  the line into garbage.

I would consider '["hello, world"]' to be perfectly acceptable; the
conversion to str was explicit.

But to be honest, I would also accept  '[hello, world]' despite the
ambiguity -- if ambiguity is a problem, then str probably isn't the
right function.  (Admittedly, that does increase the pressure for a
3rd case in between; I'm just not sure that there would be enough need
for that in-between, if str worked "all the way down".)

>  Along the way I've found a new definition of repr: unambiguous when
>  used in a container's repr.

err ... actually even that isn't met, if you look too hard at corner
(or malicious) cases.  But I agree that it is a good goal -- which
need not apply to a containers __str__.


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