[Python-3000] Exception tracebacks living too long in 3.0

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Sat Mar 29 19:12:12 CET 2008

Jeffrey Yasskin schrieb:
> This apparently happens because the traceback in sys.exc_info keeps
> the frame for the call to RunSelfFunction._run alive even though there
> are otherwise no references to the object. In 2.6, this is fixed by
> calling sys.exc_clear() before allowing the thread to be joined, but
> that function has gone away in 3.0. I had thought that exc_info was
> automatically cleared at the end of any except block that caught an
> exception, but apparently that isn't the case. Is this a bug in 3.0,
> or do we need to keep sys.exc_clear() around?

Thanks for picking up the bug for me. I noticed the issue during the
last merge but I hadn't had time to write a proper bug report.


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