[Python-3000] First betas (perhaps) on June 18

Facundo Batista facundobatista at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 15:54:08 CEST 2008

2008/6/13 Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>:

> My proposal is this: I will spin another release this coming Wednesday, June
> 18.  If we can get both the 2.6 and 3.0 buildbots green by then, and close
> out all remaining release critical bugs, then Wednesday's release will be
> beta 1.  In that case, I will update PEP 361 and push the entire schedule
> back by 2 weeks to account for our slippage.

Next weekend, 21 and 22, it will be the Python Bug days.

Maybe it's worth to delay the betas one week to include this work?


. Facundo

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