[Python-3000] Persistent Error

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 09:42:02 CEST 2008


    I have been getting the following persistent error with Python 3.0
since an April 15 update of the subversion trunk (svn version 62349)

I am running Fedora Core 6, with kernel on
an Intel i686 SMP box.  Python was compiled with gcc
version 4.1.2 (Redhat - 4.1.2-13). Python was built with
no additional ./configure flags.

[anand at localhost py3k]$ /usr/local/bin/python
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.0/io.py", line 63, in <module>
    import warnings
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.0/warnings.py", line 283, in <module>
    bytes_warning = sys.flags.bytes_warning
AttributeError: 'sys.flags' object has no attribute 'bytes_warning'

I have tried everything including removing the previous library folders
(/usr/local/lib/python-3.0), checking out the trunk fresh and building it
multiple times. Still the error is persistent. Every time I update my
svn, I have to comment out lines 280-290 in warnings.py for
Python3.0 to work.

I had posted a similar mail on April 15 titled "Trunk broken ?" but
at that time thought it was a random error.

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