[Python-3000] Useless methods in Queue module

Leif Walsh adlaiff6 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 23:04:29 CET 2008

On Jan 14, 2008 4:54 PM,  <skip at pobox.com> wrote:
> For the guy who said he wanted to maintain an average qsize (not too small,
> not too big), empty() and full() don't help.  He'll have to implement a
> qsize() function or monkey patch (or subclass) the Queue class.  I agree
> with Guido that empty() and full() can go with no great consequence.
> qsize() should stay though.  In my old threading code (stuff I no longer
> use) qsize() was the only one of the three I ever used.

Yes, qsize() is useful (and I think Charles' suggestion to change the
name is a good one), yes empty() and full() should go.  I was saying
qsize()==0 should probably not be suggested as a replacement.


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