[Python-3000] [Python-Dev] Python 2.6 and 3.0

Christian Heimes christian at cheimes.de
Tue Feb 26 23:42:42 CET 2008

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>> The Windows builds are hidden in the development section. It took me 10
>> minutes to find them because I was searching in the download section and
>> for nightly builds. The *daily* builds are available at
>> http://www.python.org/dev/daily-msi/
> The builds occur 11:00 UTC (2.5), 12:00 UTC (2.6) and 13:00 UTC (3.0).
> What that's at day or at night depends on where you live :-)

Trust me, the day and night cycle of our sun can be unrelated to the day
and night cycle of my life. I define morning as the time span after my
first coffee. I sometimes work until dawn so technically speaking 11:00
UTC could fit my definition of nightly build. :)


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