[Python-3000] Windows gui vs. console

Facundo Batista facundobatista at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 13:02:55 CET 2008

2008/2/8, Daniel Stutzbach <agthorr at barsoom.org>:

> Picture command-line usage of python.  You're sitting at your prompt, and
> you run a python script.  It pops up a *new* window and you have to interact
> with that.  Not a great user experience.  Also, piping data to or from the
> script is impossible because stdin/stdout are tied to the new window.  (I
> use Python for windows and pipe data to scripts everyday, so this is pretty
> important to me :-) )

Not really following this discussion, but a detail regarding
stdin/stdout in windows.

When the process is issued as a Service, it don't even HAS
stdin/stdout (not that is redirected to NUL). It don't even exist.


.    Facundo

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