[Python-3000] Comparing to None

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Sat Feb 2 02:44:38 CET 2008

On Feb 1, 2008 5:18 PM, Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> wrote:
> > You should have been there when this was decided about two years ago.
> IIRC, the decision was a general one about cross-type
> comparisons not being turned-on the default.  I do not
> recall a specific discussion about None.

I vaguely recall it was discussed but not considered an important
enough use case.

> Also, the list at the time was flooded with propositions
> ranging from the reasonable to the insane. It was not always
> possible to know what to respond to or the implications of each
> choice. I sure wasn't aware that those conversations were to be
> immediately frozen in stone.

Not immediately. But by now we've had two alpha release already. Some
stuff *does* change between alphas. But in general we need to stem the
flow of change proposals.

> I had thought one of the purposes
> of the Py3.0 was so that we could download it and explore the
> implications of all of these choices.  I've done so and bumped
> into the None comparability issue several times.

I think you need to provide a lot more motivation than a 5-line email
to change something this fundamental at this point.

> If you no
> longer want feedback, that's fine. I can bring my
> experimentation with the 3.0 alpha to a close.

To be brutally honest, your recent attempts to open up various closed
issues have wasted a lot of cycles everywhere. I'd rather focus on
moving forward with things like UserDict.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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