[Python-3000] Fwd: Beta 3 planned for this Wednesday (OT: Beta 3 planned for this Wednesday)

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 09:20:00 CEST 2008


    I think the patches for issue 3492 should also be merged in for this beta.
It affects the behaviour of zlib module. I have submitted patches for
and test_zlib.py a few weeks back and they are ready to be merged anytime.

I am forwarding a message where I discussed this with Antoine, who is
CCed on the bug.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>
Date: Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Python-3000] Beta 3 planned for this Wednesday
To: Anand Balachandran Pillai <abpillai at gmail.com>

Hello Anand,

>       If that is the case is http://bugs.python.org/issue3492 important ? It is
> not marked as critical or blocker or anything, but I find it strange
> that zlib in
> Python 3.0 will return bytearrays, if we don't merge the patches.

Agreed, however I can't do it myself today. You should post your message
to the list or on the bug tracker if you want someone to apply the patch
before the beta.




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