[Python-3000] C API for ints and strings

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Tue Sep 11 07:26:57 CEST 2007

> If python.org agreed to host the GMP source, that would suffice for
> all people distributing python binaries (they could then just refer to
> the GMP source download as a link).

It would not if they don't distribute the binary through download.
If they put it on some media, or preinstalled on a computer (which
happens a lot), offering the source for download through the internet
is not good enough. Option 6d) only applies if the binaries are
distributed "by offering access to copy from a designated place".

> The FSF explicitly states that
> this kind of agreement satisfies that requirement of the license.

Where do they do that?

> As for the user-replaceable shared library part, that's up for
> considerable debate.  It's unlikely that static linkage legally
> creates a derivative work (that would be pretty unreasonable in
> computer science terms), but it's never been tested in court, so
> static linking would probably be out for distributors without a legal
> department.

Perhaps. However, even if you link dynamically, you would *still*
have to provide source code along with the binary.


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