[Python-3000] C API for ints and strings

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Mon Sep 10 07:13:23 CEST 2007

> I think it's just trying to say dynamic rather than static
> linking, not that the library has to be a pre-existing
> one. The important thing is that the library can be
> updated just by replacing a file, without having to
> re-link the executable.
> So Windows DLLs qualify, as far as I can see.

No no no no no. As with the GPL, the important point is
that the user of the library has ready access to the source
code. Every binary of the library must be accompanied by
the source code, where "accompanied" means either "included
in the installation media", "downloadable from the same
source", or "promised in writing".

The first right of the user is to get the source code
easily, without having to beg for it. Only then it is also
the user's right to modify it, and use the modified version
in the application.

So normally, the application's task would be to provide
source code. However, if the application links with a
shared library already on the system, it is the system
vendor's task to provide source code - which is the
common case on Linux. So in that case, the application
vendor can be cleared of having to provide source code.

Therefore, Windows DLLs would only qualify if Microsoft
would provide them, as then Microsoft would also have
to provide the source code.


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