[Python-3000] PEP 3137 plan of attack (stage 3)

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Sun Oct 28 18:54:14 CET 2007

Jim Jewett wrote:
> One likely difference is that testäöü should be a legitimate (unicode)
> Python name, but testõ÷³ probably isn't, because the division sign
> isn't alphanumeric.
> Also, there is a chance that testäöü was already in the appropriate
> normalized form, but testõ÷³ probably isn't, because of the
> superscript.
> Whether either of these *should* matter in this case, I couldn't tell
> from your post.

I'm neither a Windows expert nor an experienced Windows developer. I'm
just guessing here. Could it be that Python is using the char* NameA API
methods instead of the wide wchar_t * NameW methods?


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